Using LBB with Liberty BASIC Workshop
by Richard Russell, October 2013
If you use Liberty BASIC Workshop you can easily configure it to call LB Booster to compile and run your programs. To do that follow these steps:
- In LB Workshop select Options… Preferences… (or click the Options button on the toolbar).
- Select the Paths tab on the Options dialogue.
- At the 'Liberty BASIC Path' box, browse to the location of LBB.exe.
- At the 'Runtime Engine Path' box, browse to the location of LBBRUN.exe.
- At the 'Liberty BASIC Help Path' box, browse to the location of lb45help.chm.
- You can also, if you wish, set the 'Optional Helpfile Path' to the location of LBB.chm (in the same folder as LBB.exe).
With those changes LB Workshop will automatically compile, run or debug your program using LB Booster.
If you use 'Run TKN' (F8) you will need to type *.lbb in the 'File name' box to enable you to select .LBB files rather than .TKN files.
Note: At the above link it says that LB Workshop “does not work reliably on versions of Windows later than Windows XP”. You should take heed of that warning, but it has worked perfectly for me even on Windows 10.
Include files
When using LBB in conjunction with LBW you have a choice of what variety of include syntax to use, if any (requires LBB version 2.20 or later):
- LBW's method - when one or more 'include directives are placed at the beginning of the program, the specified file(s) will be appended (that is added after the end of your program).
- LBB's method - when one or more 'include directives are placed anywhere other than at the beginning of the program, the specified file(s) will be included at that point.
You could even use both in the same program, but although that won't confuse LB Booster or LB Workshop it may confuse you!