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Playing an MP3 file (LBB)

by Richard Russell, January 2016

This is a very simple, no-frills, way of playing an MP3 file:

      mp3file$ = "C:\users\richard\music\Saint_Saens-Organ.mp3"
      ret$ = space$(128) + chr$(0)
      cmd$ = "open " + chr$(34) + mp3file$ + chr$(34) + " type mpegvideo alias music"
      calldll #winmm, "mciSendStringA", cmd$ as ptr, ret$ as ptr, 128 as long, 0 as long, r as long
      cmd$ = "play music"
      calldll #winmm, "mciSendStringA", cmd$ as ptr, ret$ as ptr, 128 as long, 0 as long, r as long

If you want the MP3 file to be played repeatedly you can change the play command to:

      cmd$ = "play music repeat"
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playing_20an_20mp3_20file_20_28lbb_29.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/05 00:21 by