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Listing the line an error occurs in ON ERROR

by Jon Ripley, May 2011

The detokeniser function documented on this wiki allows us to write an ON ERROR statement that lists the source code of the errant line when an error occurs. The FNErrorLine function returns the source code of the line the last error occurred in.

The following ON ERROR handler prints the error followed by the line of code it occurred in:


The full code for FNErrorLine including the detokeniser is as follows:

        DEF FNErrorLine
        LOCAL I%,P%,line$ : I% = !408 : P% = PAGE
        WHILE ?P% AND P% + ?P% < I% P% += ?P% : ENDWHILE
        FOR I%=0 TO ?P%-1:line$ += CHR$P%?I% : NEXT I%
        DEF FNdetokenise(S$)
        IF S$ = "" OR S$ = CHR$0+CHR$255+CHR$255 THEN =""
        PRIVATE Keywd$()
        IF !^Keywd$()=0 THEN
          DIM Keywd$(160)
          Keywd$() = "AND","DIV","EOR","MOD","OR","ERROR","LINE","OFF",\
        LOCAL flag%, O$, i%, ch%
        IF ASCS$ = LENS$ AND ASC RIGHT$(S$,1) = 13 THEN
          ch% = ASC MID$(S$,2)+256*ASC MID$(S$,3)
          IF ch% O$=STR$ch%+" "
          S$ = MID$(S$, 4, LENS$-4)
          IF S$="" THEN =LEFT$(O$, LENO$-1)
        FOR i%=1 TO LENS$
          IF ASC MID$(S$,i%)=34 flag%EOR=1
          IF flag% AND 1 THEN
            O$ += MID$(S$, i%, 1)
            ch% = ASCMID$(S$, i%)
            CASE TRUE OF
              WHEN ch% >= 17 AND ch% < 128:O$ += CHR$ch%
              WHEN ch% = &8D
                ch% = ASC MID$(S$,i%+1)
                lo% = ((ch% << 2) AND &C0) EOR ASC MID$(S$, i%+2)
                hi% = ((ch% << 4) AND &C0) EOR ASC MID$(S$, i%+3)
                O$+ = STR$(lo% + 256*hi%)
                i% += 3
              OTHERWISE O$ += Keywd$(ch% EOR 128)
        NEXT i%
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listing_20the_20line_20an_20error_20occurs_20in_20on_20error.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/05 00:22 by