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Accessing files with no extension

by Jon Ripley, May 2006

When using OPENIN, OPENUP and OPENOUT to create or access files that do not have a file extension the default action of BBC BASIC is to append a .bbc file extension. To create or access files with no file extension you must add a full stop to the file name.

To OPENIN, OPENUP or OPENOUT a file called MyFile use:

        hfile% = OPENIN "MyFile."
        hfile% = OPENOUT "MyFile."
        hfile% = OPENUP "MyFile."

The same applies when accessing files with no extension using a star command or OSCLI:

        *DISPLAY MyFile.
        *COPY MyOldFile. MyNewFile.

The default file extensions appended by the star commands or OSCLI when none is supplied are as follows:

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accessing_20files_20with_20no_20extension.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/05 00:22 by