Which file did I just open?

Discussions about the BBC BASIC language, with particular reference to BB4W and BBCSDL
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Which file did I just open?

Post by simong42 »

I often use OPENIN with a wildcard such as *.txt to browse to the file I want.
I get the channel number returned if I open a file, but is there any way to derive the file that I just opened?
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Re: Which file did I just open?

Post by KenDown »

There seems to be a problem with Richard replying to the forum, so he sent his reply to me.

Somebody else who hasn't read the Wiki!

"Which file did I just open?":

https://www.bbcbasic.co.uk/wiki/doku.ph ... 0wildcards

I should probably add that BBCSDL does not support opening a file with a wildcard (since SDL2 doesn't have a built-in file selector that it could call). To achieve something similar would involve using @lib$ + "filedlg.bbc".

In view of the trouble he has taken creating such comprehensive help files, I can understand his irritation. On the other hand, I have been guilty of exactly the same offence - asking about something that is covered in the help - so my sympathies are split.
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Re: Which file did I just open?

Post by mavison »

I agree that the Help files plus Wiki are very comprehensive as written by Richard for BBC4W, and they largely apply to BBCSDL. However, there are many subtle differences with BBCSDL that are not in the Help. Some are covered in the differences page, but it is not easy to keep referring to that whenever the Help is used. And I am already confused whether I should look in the Help and/or the Wiki.

Richard has appealed many times for help in updating the documentation for BBCSDL, but as yet no-one has taken any action. I feel it is a gret shame that the massive amount of work Richard has put in to BBCSDL (and BBC4W before that) cannot be supported by other volunteers to help with the documentation.

But, like many others I suspect, I am struggling to keep up with my current commitments, and unfortunately feel unable to volunteer myself.
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Joined: Tue 05 Mar 2019, 20:47

Re: Which file did I just open?

Post by simong42 »

My apologies if I've caused irritation by not looking in the Wiki.

I had a problem … I looked for an answer in the BBC4W help and didn't find it … it simply didn't occur to me that there was a wiki too. Yes, the wiki is referenced in the help, but I wasn't searching for the wiki, I was searching for the answer to a question. I don't know how to make users think 'wiki'.

I shall try not to offend in future.