My program uses a particular font, which I believe to be standard on most Windows computers. However, I need a way to check if it is installed. If the font is unavailable, the system reverts to a default one, which is not compatible with my program's layout. I therefore need to test it and then end the program if it is not there.
Any ideas?
The font, incidentally, is 'Terminal'
Finding if a Font is Available
- Posts: 78
- Joined: Sat 23 Jun 2018, 15:51
Re: Finding if a Font is Available
The answer is in the Wiki.
Code: Select all
DIM font$(999)
index% = 0
SYS FN_syscalls("EnumFonts"), @memhdc%, 0, FN_callback(FNenumfontfunc(), 4), \
\ 0 TO !FN_systo(result%)
PRINT "Exit code = ";result%
PRINT "Number of fonts enumerated = ";index%
FOR I% =0 TO index%-1
IF font$(I%)="Terminal" THEN PRINT "Yes, Terminal exists"
DEF FNenumfontfunc(lplf%, lptm%, type%, data%)
font$(index%) = $$(lplf%+28)
index% += 1
IF index% <= 999 THEN = 1 ELSE = 0
- Posts: 114
- Joined: Mon 16 Apr 2018, 06:17
Re: Finding if a Font is Available
Thanks Zaphod.
I did, in fact, look at that Wiki page, but my brain must have skipped right over it
. Thanks for repointing me there. You code adaptation works great.
I did, in fact, look at that Wiki page, but my brain must have skipped right over it
