I've written a 'DOS' based program through which values can be entered into a variable in, what looks like, an edit box (albeit, a character coded box).
I now wish to produce a more Windows looking version with dialog boxes, etc. Some of the values entered have to be in a numeric format, for which it is possible to set up an editbox: (e.g. PROC_editbox(dlg%, "", 100, 10, 10, 100, 12, ES_NUMBER)). However, the numbers displayed have to include a decimal point and a possible minus (negative) sign. The 'DOS' format I have, only accepts these 12 keystrokes. (In fact, the decimal point is not entered as it is permanently assigned - the figures represent a cost and only the digits and negative are entered.)
What I would like to do is use the keystrokes directly recorded in the program to enter the value into the editbox (NOT using ES_NUMBER) but removing the ability for direct entry. The style value &8000000 (not sure of the Windows Variable name) seems to allow the box to be clicked on, but not edited. However, even with this, the moment the box is clicked on, the focus is taken away from the main program and no keystrokes are recorded through the program, only the system - which doesn't show them in this case. I appreciate that this is not the normal way that the editbox is intended to work, but it's the way I need it to. I need the program to completely control what is put in the editbox, not the system.
Not sure if this is clear.
Entering Editbox Values Through the Program
- Posts: 29
- Joined: Thu 05 Apr 2018, 21:41
Re: Entering Editbox Values Through the Program
I have not had the inclination or opportunity to convert the following code to BBC Basic. I wrote it in LBB (Richard's version of Liberty Basic), but it may give you an idea how to achieve what you are after. I've also written it in FreeBasic, but this requires you to use FreeBasic GUI libraries, but I can post the code if you like. Unfortunately, it will probably be winter before I get back to any coding.
I hope it's of use to you.
Code: Select all
' Numeric entry into a textbox.
' This permits the entry of numbers including
' "-" and ".". It also prevents more than one
' "-" and "." from being entered.
' Filename: NumericInputByChar_6
Stylebits #main.textbox, _ES_RIGHT, _WS_BORDER, 0, 0
textbox #main.textbox, 10, 50, 100, 25
WindowWidth = 350
WindowHeight = 150
open "Filtered Numeric Input" for window as #main
print #main, "Font Arial 12 Bold"
#main.textbox "!contents? txt$"
#main.textbox "!setfocus"
#main "trapclose [quit]"
timer 0
#main.textbox "!contents? txt$" 'text in textbox
oldtxt$ = txt$ ' make text the oldtext
txt$ = num$(txt$) ' gets new text from function num$(text$) which does the checking
if oldtxt$ <> txt$ then
#main.textbox txt$ ' if old text is not the same as the new text then use new text
handle = hWnd(#main.textbox) ' get the handle of the textbox
pos = len(txt$) ' position of character is the length of the current text
calldll #user32, "SendMessageA", _ ' call EM_SETSEL
handle as ulong, _
_EM_SETSEL as long, _
pos as long, _
pos as long, _
result as void
end if
timer 5, [CheckInput] ' short delay then last char is deleted if not 0-9, - or .
wait ' wait for event
' Function to check that character input is 0-9, - or .
function num$(d$)
t = 0
for i=1 to len(d$)
if a = 46 then t = t + 1
if (a = 46) and (t > 1) then a = 0 'only DOT after FIRST is cleared
if a = 45 and i>1 then a = 0 'so really almost anything will do, not just 8 (for backspace)
if a = 46 and i = 1 then num$ = "0" + num$
if a = 45 or a = 46 or a>47 and a<58 then num$=num$+chr$(a)
if a = 45 and mid$(num$,2,1) = "." then num$ = "-0" + num$
end function
close #main ' close window
- Posts: 29
- Joined: Thu 05 Apr 2018, 21:41
Re: Entering Editbox Values Through the Program
Just had a thought after my last post, Richard's LBB editor does a translation from Liberty Basic to BBC Basic. There's all sorts of Procs in there, but it may be a little clearer for you.
Hope you can make it out.
Code: Select all
1 REM Automatically translated from Liberty BASIC to BBC BASIC
REM by 'LB Booster' version 3.10, Mon. 13 May 2019, 18:55:40
REM!Crunch spaces,rems
REM!Embed @lib$+"LBLIB.BBCC", @lib$+"LBprompt.tpl"
Version$ = "4.04 (LBB 3.10)":Err$ = "":erl%=0:lc%=0:io&=&F
REM!WC Windows Constants:
REM Initialise string variables:
txt$ = "" : oldtxt$ = ""
1 REM ==============================================
2 REM Numeric entry into a textbox.
3 REM This permits the entry of numbers including
4 REM "-" and ".". It also prevents more than one
5 REM "-" and "." from being entered.
6 REM Filename: NumericInputByChar_6
7 REM ----------------------------------------------
8 REM Still to resolve: zeros after decimal
9 REM point if it is the last character.
10 REM ==============================================
12 SYS "ShowWindow", @hwnd%, 0
13 PROC_stylebits(`main, `main`textbox, 1, FN_32(_ES_RIGHT), FN_32(_WS_BORDER), 0, 0)
14 PROC_textbox(`main, `main`textbox, "#main.textbox", 10, 50, 100, 25)
15 WindowWidth = 350
16 WindowHeight = 150
18 PROC_open("Filtered Numeric Input", "window", "#main", `main)
19 PROC_gui(`main, "Font Arial 12 Bold")
20 PROC_gui(`main`textbox, "!contents? txt$")
21 PROC_gui(`main`textbox, "!setfocus")
22 PROC_gui(`main, "trapclose [quit]")
24 (CheckInput_)
25 PROC_timer(0, 0)
27 PROC_gui(`main`textbox, "!contents? txt$") : REM text in textbox
28 oldtxt$ = txt$ : REM make text the oldtext
29 txt$ = FNnum$(txt$) : REM gets new text from function num$(text$) which does the checking
30 IF oldtxt$ <> txt$ THEN
31 PROC_gui(`main`textbox, txt$) : REM if old text is not the same as the new text then use new text
32 handle = !`main`textbox : REM get the handle of the textbox
33 pos = LEN(txt$) : REM position of character is the length of the current text
34 SYS "SendMessageA", FN_32(handle), FN_32(_EM_SETSEL), FN_32(pos), FN_32(pos) TO tmp_%
42 PROC_timer(5, (CheckInput_)) : REM short delay then last char is deleted if not 0-9, - or .
43 PROC_wait : REM wait for event
45 REM Function to check that character input is 0-9, - or .
46 DEF FNnum$(d$)
LOCAL num$, t, i, a
47 t = 0
48 FOR i = 1 TO LEN(d$) : WHILE 1 > (LEN(d$)) EXIT FOR : ENDWHILE
49 a = ASC(MID$(d$, i, 1)+CHR$0)
50 IF a = 46 THEN t = t + 1
51 IF (-(a = 46)) AND (-(t > 1)) THEN a = 0 : REM only DOT after FIRST is cleared
52 IF -(a = 45) AND -(i > 1) THEN a = 0 : REM so really almost anything do, not just 8
53 IF -(a = 46) AND -(i = 1) THEN num$ = "0" + num$
54 IF (-(a = 45) OR -(a = 46) OR -(a > 47)) AND -(a < 58) THEN num$ = num$ + CHR$(a)
56 a = ASC(MID$(num$, 1, 1)+CHR$0)
57 IF -(a = 45) AND -(MID$(num$, 2, 1) = ".") THEN num$ = "-0" + num$
59 = num$
61 (quit_)
62 PROC_close(`main) : REM close window
63 PROC_end
- Posts: 114
- Joined: Mon 16 Apr 2018, 06:17
Re: Entering Editbox Values Through the Program
Thanks RNBW. Never looked into LBB so analysing this is difficult and the BBCBasic version seems to use subs that are not listed. Having said that, I very much appreciate the information and the time you spent.
I decided to look into a slightly different route, by using 'Boxes and Buttons' (WINLIB5(A)) onto a separate window acting as a 'dialog box'. These give returned handles and may be of more use. Preliminary testing suggests more likelihood of attaining my goal, but still not an easy option.
Thanks again.
I decided to look into a slightly different route, by using 'Boxes and Buttons' (WINLIB5(A)) onto a separate window acting as a 'dialog box'. These give returned handles and may be of more use. Preliminary testing suggests more likelihood of attaining my goal, but still not an easy option.
Thanks again.