Code listings in old forums

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Code listings in old forums

Post by guest »

An oddity that has arisen in archiving the old forums is that code listings embedded in posts have lost their end-of-line codes, and appear as one long line! Not the end of the world - lines are still typically separated by six or more consecutive space characters so the original code can be reconstructed fairly easily - but strange nevertheless.


Re: Code listings in old forums

Post by guest »

I found out what the problem was: the old Linux-versus-Windows line-termination difference (LF in one case, CRLF in the other). I've re-uploaded the HTML files in binary mode to fix the issue. I'll need to liaise with David Williams to get the old BB4W forum fixed in the same way.


Re: Code listings in old forums

Post by guest »

All fixed now thanks to DW's cooperation.
