David Williams wrote: ↑Sun 25 Nov 2018, 00:24Are you aware of any indication by Apple that that bug will be fixed in an update at some point?
Nobody knows, but Apple have 'deprecated' OpenGL (in favour of Metal, which BBC BASIC can't use) and there is a suspicion in some quarters that as a result they won't be prepared to fix any problems with it. Those who favour conspiracy theories find it worrying that a serious bug in OpenGL seems to have been introduced just at the point that it has been deprecated, but I'm more inclined to think it's a cock-up.
The SDL maintainers certainly take it seriously, because they know the extent to which OpenGL is relied upon as the only 3D framework supported on every major platform (Windows, Linux, MacOS, Android, iOS). They are looking to see if there is a workaround that they can incorporate in SDL, but it has to be said that some people believe that Apple will drop OpenGL on MacOS altogether (even though that would be stupid) and many games developers are considering abandoning that platform altogether.
Apple seems to have total disregard for compatibility, either with other platforms or earlier versions of their own platforms. They seem to think that the loyalty of their users and developers is such that they will go along with every idiotic decision they take. But I have ascertained that there is no support at all for AND, OR and XOR plotting in Metal so even if I was inclined to go to the trouble of adapting BBC BASIC to work with it, I can't.