I've had an idea for a project that might work well in BBC BASIC but I'm struggling to clarify which of the app stores it's possible to get these apps on to in 2024. I'm a BBC BASIC guy from back in the day, and I haven't done much with BB4W/BBCSDL, so it's hard to properly glean this information across multiple forum posts etc.
Can someone help? Can I properly release apps on each platform's official app stores, written in BBC BASIC, on Windows? Mac? iOS? Android?
Grateful for clarification.
BBC BASIC apps on app stores?
- Posts: 272
- Joined: Tue 18 Jun 2024, 09:32
Re: BBC BASIC apps on app stores?
I suppose the first question is: why do you want to? With the exception of iOS, in which the App Store is pretty much the only way of installing an app, with the other OSes you list it's still possible to install apps in the 'traditional' way just by downloading them from a website.
So in the case of Windows, MacOS and Android I'd say don't bother with the app stores, it's just too much hassle. They each have their own proprietary app format (.exe for Windows, .dmg for MacOS and .apk for Android) which BBC BASIC can generate, and which you can simply make available for download.
I would recommend 'digitally signing' any apps you want to distribute, because this may help with their acceptance, and may reduce the chance of being erroneously recognised as 'suspicious'. However, sadly, any new app that hasn't been seen before is bound to attract the attention of malware scanners.

iOS is the tricky case. Although I have successfully put a BBC BASIC-generated app into the App Store it was more hassle than I would want to inflict on somebody else! One workaround to consider is to require the end-user to install BBC BASIC and then you can create a shortcut to run your app that way.
Does that answer your question? Don't hesitate to ask if you want more details.
- Posts: 2
- Joined: Sat 14 Dec 2024, 15:43
Re: BBC BASIC apps on app stores?
Firstly, apologies for posting in Announcements, not sure how that happened.
I understand. I have a particular project in mind for this. I have released a number of apps built in other languages, and I usually do it on the app stores. I used to offer the apps for sale on the website, as well as the app store, but the app store sales always beat the website sales. For this project, there's a reason I would like to do it in BBC BASIC, and it really needs to be on the app stores. Sorry to be vague.Richard Russell wrote: ↑Sat 14 Dec 2024, 16:55 I suppose the first question is: why do you want to? With the exception of iOS, in which the App Store is pretty much the only way of installing an app, with the other OSes you list it's still possible to install apps in the 'traditional' way just by downloading them from a website.
I can't not bother with them for this project. The more I look into BBC BASIC, the more fun things I can think of trying out and playing with, and I intend to stick around, app stores or not. But for this particular project, I'd like to get it on to the app stores, if it's at all feasable.Richard Russell wrote: ↑Sat 14 Dec 2024, 16:55 So in the case of Windows, MacOS and Android I'd say don't bother with the app stores, it's just too much hassle.
I really appreciate you taking the time to answer me. I have to admit, in terms of getting apps on to the app stores, I was hoping you'd say, "look, it takes 20 painful steps, I can't say it's fun, but it can be done for each platform, and someone has typed up a guide". I might need to re-think things, but I do appreciate your response.Richard Russell wrote: ↑Sat 14 Dec 2024, 16:55 Does that answer your question? Don't hesitate to ask if you want more details.
- Posts: 272
- Joined: Tue 18 Jun 2024, 09:32
Re: BBC BASIC apps on app stores?
The only platform on which I know for certain it's possible to get a BBC BASIC app into the App Store is iOS, because I've done it! It's not as straightforward as listing 20 steps, but if you've achieved it with other languages you presumably already have an Apple Developer Account and the necessary certificate(s), so it ought not to be too onerous.
As far as MacOS is concerned, although I've never investigated the App Store and have certainly never tried to use it, I assume the process is very similar to that for iOS. So probably once the challenge of iOS has been licked it wouldn't be too difficult to do it for MacOS too, barring any unexpected pitfalls.
In the case of Android, an app must be built as a .aab bundle to get it into the Play Store, whereas the tool I use to create Android apps is BBC2APK which only generates .apk bundles. A web search finds a number of references to how to convert a .apk to a .aab, so if they actually work it might not be too difficult.
Finally, for Windows there is some information here about how to put traditional Win32 desktop apps in the store "As long as your app and installer comply with store requirements and policies". However I don't know what those requirements are, nor whether BBC BASIC can meet them.
The bottom line is that what you want to do has never been done before, as far as I know, and has probably never even been attempted. So it's an untrodden path, and only you can decide whether it's one you want to set off along or not!

- Posts: 21
- Joined: Wed 11 Dec 2024, 17:15
Re: BBC BASIC apps on app stores?
A user named BBC BASIC on Facebook says:
I've managed to get an app written in BBC BASIC into the iOS App Store! It's not something that will be of general interest (only if you happen to own a GivEnergy inverter) but it proves that it can be done. Whether it might be possible to automate the process, in a similar way to my Android Application Generator, is another matter! https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/inverter/id6443976497
- Posts: 272
- Joined: Tue 18 Jun 2024, 09:32
Re: BBC BASIC apps on app stores?
I linked to that app in my first reply in this thread:
and referred to it again in my most recent reply:iOS is the tricky case. Although I have successfully put a BBC BASIC-generated app into the App Store it was more hassle than I would want to inflict on somebody else!
On the possibility of "automating the process, in a similar way to my Android Application Generator" that remains uncertain. I've not done any more investigation since then. Can you even submit a .ipa file to the iOS App Store other than through Xcode? I'm not sure.The only platform on which I know for certain it's possible to get a BBC BASIC app into the App Store is iOS, because I've done it!
- Posts: 272
- Joined: Tue 18 Jun 2024, 09:32