Tabulating E-format numbers

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Hated Moron

Tabulating E-format numbers

Post by Hated Moron »

By default, BBC BASIC right-justifies numbers when PRINTed. This generally makes sense, because with integers - and F-format decimal numbers (with a fixed number of decimal places) - right justification will make them line up correctly, e.g. with units in the rightmost column, tens in the next-to-rightmost column etc:

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However with E-format (engineering notation) numbers right-justification isn't generally sensible because the only variable-length part of the number is the exponent itself. Left-justification is a better choice:

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The exception is when some of the numbers are negative in which case the minus sign will upset the alignment. What we want is to print a leading space to act as a placeholder for the minus sign. One neat way of doing that is the following:

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      PRINT STRING$(-(n >= 0), " "); n
which gives this:

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Hated Moron

Re: Tabulating E-format numbers

Post by Hated Moron »

Hated Moron wrote: Mon 05 Feb 2024, 19:40 One neat way of doing that is the following:

Code: Select all

      PRINT STRING$(-(n >= 0), " "); n
The above code can be used in a PRINT statement, when writing to a file, when populating (for example) a List Box or when simply assigning the result to a string variable. In the specific case of a PRINT statement it can be simplified to:

Code: Select all

      PRINT SPC(-(n >= 0)); n
Posts: 37
Joined: Thu 05 Apr 2018, 14:08

Re: Tabulating E-format numbers

Post by jgharston »

In a similar vein of non-obvious use of string functions, I've used this construct:
PRINT num;" item";LEFT$("s",num<>1)
to get (English) plurals.