SETTAB utility

Discussions related specifically to the Windows, Linux (86), Mac OS-X and Raspberry Pi editions of BB4W and BBCSDL
Hated Moron

SETTAB utility

Post by Hated Moron »

BBC BASIC for Windows comes with the program SETTAB.BBC (in the EXAMPLES\TOOLS\ directory) which programs the Tab key in the program editor to move directly to a specified column. This can be useful if, for example, you like to align REMs.

BBC BASIC for SDL 2.0 doesn't come with an equivalent utility, for the simple reason that I had completely forgotten that it existed! :oops:

It would be quite straightforward to create such a utility for SDLIDE (one of the two IDEs supplied with BBCSDL) but since I haven't missed it I wonder if anybody would use it.

Would this be a worthwhile thing to add?
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Joined: Fri 08 Jul 2022, 02:47
Location: England

Re: SETTAB utility

Post by Flatlander »

I would find that useful.
Thank you.
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