p_m21987 wrote: ↑Sun 13 Aug 2023, 18:10
Is it possible to make a custom mode in which the number of graphics units equals the number of pixels?
Incidentally, while we're on the subject, my
very strong opinion is
not that BBC BASIC should have used a 1:1 scaling between graphics units and pixels but that the 2:1 factor (1,280 units across the width of the BBC Micro screen)
is not large enough!
If I could turn the clock back I would choose at least a
16:1 factor (10,240 graphics units across the BBC Micro screen). There are a couple of reasons why this would have been a nice factor; firstly, 10,240 graphics units is well within the range of 16-bit coordinates supported by VDU (-32,768 to +32,767).
Secondly, the same integer coordinate system could reasonably have been used for
antialiased graphics (in which coordinates are not constrained to be integer multiples of pixels). As things stand I have to support antialiased graphics by means of libraries which take floating-point coordinates.
Still, we are where we are. There aren't many features of BBC BASIC (+ Acorn MOS) that I wish had been designed differently back in 1981, but this is near the top of the list.