I've updated SDLIDE_for_BB4W to the latest version of SDLIDE.bbc (1.36a), it can be downloaded from here (membership of the Discussion Group is required).
For those who don't know, or may have forgotten, SDLIDE_for_BB4W is a completely free, self-contained, non-memory-limited version of BBC BASIC for Windows which uses SDLIDE as its IDE.
Functionally the main differences from the paid-for BB4W are that the IDE supports breakpoints, and that your BASIC program runs in a separate process so cannot crash the IDE, unlike BB4W in which this is only too easy! The profiler and comparator are also built-in rather than being separate utilities.
In order to use the 'compiler' the full version of BBC BASIC for Windows must also be installed, but if you do not need that feature you get an unrestricted version of BB4W for free!
In fact, if you know what you're doing, it's also possible to 'compile' programs for free by also installing LB Booster which can build a standalone executable from a BBC BASIC program.