He additionally says that he has tried:I have tested it, but it does not output the PRINT information to STDOUT
which work correctly, but that BBC BASIC does not. In order to fix it he recommends:about 50 arbitrary other console application computer languages
I am finding this difficult to understand. If BBC BASIC isn't currently sending its console output to STDOUT where is it going? I know that Windows is probably rather different from Linux in this regard, but I thought the same code could be used. And why do I need to incorporate what seems to me to be C++ code in an existing C application? Surely it must be possible to output to STDOUT in C?On Microsoft Windows, these functions can be used in a console command line executable to implement STDOUT and STDERR:
The standard library class std::cout can be used to print text to STDOUT
and the standard library class std::cerr can be used to print text to STDERR.
I have sent a 'holding' reply basically saying the above, but he is very persistent (not to say annoying)! Can somebody more knowledgeable than me (not difficult) advise on what the problem may be and how it can be fixed, preferably without C++ code?