I want to have one window overlapping another - let's say window B partially covering window A. When created, the windows are set to full screen. I reposition B, but it remains hidden by A. I use SYS"SetWindowPos" to force the window to be on top. It remains hidden. I use SYS"BringWindowToTop". It remains hidden.
Which is puzzling, as those calls will bring windows to the top of the windows of other programs. The only solution is to change the order in which I create the windows so that B is created after A. Then it appears on top of A and without any SYS calls.
I'm wondering if the problem lies in making the windows full screen or whether the SYS calls only affect windows outside your program, but not multiple windows in your program.
Windows on top
Re: Windows on top
(Despite it being dated last October, the above post only appeared today. I think it was waiting for admin approval)
Since they are full-screen windows, couldn't you could simply hide the window which you don't want to be seen? Full-screen windows can never 'overlap' (or if you prefer, they always overlap 100%) so the idea of one being 'on top of' the other doesn't really have much of a meaning.
- Posts: 327
- Joined: Wed 04 Apr 2018, 06:36
Re: Windows on top
The problem was that I had two full-screen windows, one of which displays my presentation in English, the other in Welsh. When the program first starts it assumes that there is only one monitor and A is on top of B, hiding B completely so that only the English is visible. However if there are two monitors (or two projectors) a key-combination will move the windows so that A shows on the left-hand monitor and B shows on the right-hand monitor. Thus both langauges are visible at full-screen.
However back in October I was experimenting with making both windows (temporarily) visible on the left-hand monitor. My first thought was to keep the windows full screen, just scale what was displayed in them and then move B to the left so that it partially over-lapped A. Of course, that required that B be "on top" of A in the stack of windows. Because I want the English to have priority on start-up, A is created to be on top of B (as indicated in the paragraph above). It appears impossible to re-order the stack of windows.
However back in October I was experimenting with making both windows (temporarily) visible on the left-hand monitor. My first thought was to keep the windows full screen, just scale what was displayed in them and then move B to the left so that it partially over-lapped A. Of course, that required that B be "on top" of A in the stack of windows. Because I want the English to have priority on start-up, A is created to be on top of B (as indicated in the paragraph above). It appears impossible to re-order the stack of windows.