Automated testing of web applications broken

Discussions related specifically to the Windows, Linux (86), Mac OS-X and Raspberry Pi editions of BB4W and BBCSDL
Hated Moron

Automated testing of web applications broken

Post by Hated Moron »

I'm sorry to say that there is currently a fault at the website that is causing the Test feature (Compile dialogue) in BBC BASIC for SDL 2.0 not to work if you have selected the Deploy as a web application checkbox. I have reported this fault to my hosting provider and hopefully it will be fixed soon.

Meanwhile to test a web application you will need to upload the .bbb web-bundle file yourself (e.g. to Dropbox) and execute it from there using the in-browser edition of BBC BASIC in the usual way.
Hated Moron

Re: Automated testing of web applications broken

Post by Hated Moron »

On 07/07/2022 13:48, terryswanb wrote:
I am currently going through the program using the 'Cross Reference' utility
In that case you probably want to be starting with my current version, because I've made changes which are important (such as modifying all the MDISPLAY commands to work with transparent GIFs as previously discussed). I've uploaded it here.
How does the 'Cross Reference' utility decide what is a global variable?
Any variable referenced outside a FN or PROC (i.e. in the 'main program) is considered global. Variables referenced inside a PROC or FN, but which are not declared in a LOCAL or PRIVATE statement nor used as a formal parameter, are classed as 'shared'. Shared variables are of course also globals, but whereas referencing a 'global' variable inside a PROC/FN won't result in a warning, referencing a 'shared' variable will.

Remember that the warnings generated by the Cross-Reference utility are only advisory. They don't necessarily indicate an error, or even something that may be considered 'bad practice', but rather draw attention to things that might be, depending on your own coding style and preferences.