Discussions related to the code libraries supplied with BB4W & BBCSDL
Posts: 29
Joined: Thu 05 Apr 2018, 21:41


Post by RNBW »

What happened to GFXLIB2?

I was looking at the old BBC Basic forum archive and came across this posting from Richard in respect of the GFX Library and BB4W games:
Richard Russell

BB4W Games site to disappear - again
« Thread started on: Mar 8th, 2016, 10:59pm »
As many of you will recall, one of the greatest setbacks to befall BBC BASIC for Windows was the withdrawal by its author of the amazing GFXLIB library, and the taking down of the BB4W Games website which showcased many wonderful examples of video games and other graphics programs created using that library.

Although the library itself was irreplaceable, fortunately somebody stepped in to host - with the permission of its originator - an archive of the BB4W Games website. So at least there was a record of what was once possible, albeit giving rise to very mixed emotions.

I have now discovered that the archive site will itself disappear on 16th March 2016. After that we will have only the WayBack Machine to remind ourselves of what it was like in 'the good old days'. cry

Clicking the links on my computer did show that archive site no longer exists but my virus checker would not allow the WayBack Machine site to be loaded.

However, on my iPad I was allowed to access the WayBack Machine link (using a different virus checker) and this provided some BB4W links which included one for the GFXLIB. I downloaded GFXLIB2.06 from this link onto my iPad and then emailed it to myself. On my computer I then virus checked the zip file and then the unzipped files, which showed up as clear of malware (ESET virus protection).

So now I have a copy of the GFXLIB2.

The next question is am I allowed to make it available to this forum?
David Williams


Post by David Williams »

RNBW wrote: Wed 03 Nov 2021, 19:42 So now I have a copy of the GFXLIB2.

The next question is am I allowed to make it available to this forum?
Go ahead!

Posts: 29
Joined: Thu 05 Apr 2018, 21:41


Post by RNBW »

Here is the zip file containing the GFXLIB2. ...

I must make the point that, although I have checked this zip file for malware and found none, you should carry out your own checks before opening and using it.

Please don't ask me for support. I found it more by accident and have not used it. If you have any queries, please post them to the forum.