Update of BBC BASIC for SDL, and release of BBC2APK

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Update of BBC BASIC for SDL, and release of BBC2APK

Post by DDRM »

Hi Folks,

I've been in the wilderness (literally) for 2 weeks, and things have moved on in my absence. Thanks to those who have posted updates etc - notably Richard's release of an updated version of BBC Basic for SDL, which is now at version 0.23b. I've copied his post from his Facebook page (and also the previous one for 0.23a and 0.21a) below.

While there, I noticed that he has now formally released his APK maker, which allows you to convert BB4SDL programmes to standalone apps for Android: I've appended that posting as well.

I don't have a Facebook account, and I don't normally read it, but maybe I'll need to make an exception for Richard's page. I'll ask him if he will at least notify me privately of significant posts he'd like transferred here - though of course I'd prefer if he just rejoined and posted them himself!

Best wishes,


I have updated BBCSDL to version 0.23b in response to user feedback. The following example programs have changed: 'fire.bbc' (restored quality to what it was previously), 'jigsaw.bbc' (should now work correctly on screens with a resolution greater than 2048 pixels) and 'telstar.bbc' (memory increased so that larger telesoftware files may be downloaded).
I have also built an experimental native 64-bit Linux version (note there is no assembler!) as bbclinux64.zip, which may be downloaded from the usual place.

6 August at 08:43
I've released version 0.23a of 'BBC BASIC for SDL 2.0'. The main new feature is support for reading JPG, PNG and GIF images, the absence of which has been a limitation up to now. To demonstrate this feature I have written a fairly fully-featured Jigsaw Puzzle program, it runs equally well on Windows, Linux, MacOS, Raspberry Pi, Android and iOS. You can add your own JPG pictures to the one supplied. http://www.bbcbasic.co.uk/bbcsdl/

24 June
I've updated BBC BASIC for SDL 2.0 to version 0.21a (all editions). The main changes are support for the SYS statement to return a floating-point value, and inclusion of 'control code symbols' in the MODE 7 character set. It's available for free download from http://www.bbcbasic.co.uk/bbcsdl/

31 May
I've formally released BBC2APK, my free Windows utility which creates a complete Android application from a BBC BASIC program.

Re: Update of BBC BASIC for SDL, and release of BBC2APK

Post by DDRM »

... and now there is version 0.23c, which includes two new demos (torus2d, in graphics, and soldiers in sound), While the latter is added as a demonstration of the musical capabilities, it also includes handling of a 3D model, which is interesting in it's own right.

Best wishes,