StarDot forum
StarDot forum
I am currently 'self isolating' from the StarDot forum, having caused upset there (as I do everywhere). Compared with this forum they are a friendly bunch, but even their tolerance has limits. So for the time being, at least, I will not be posting there. 

- Posts: 43
- Joined: Mon 02 Apr 2018, 17:13
Re: StarDot forum
The posts do not indicate anyone being irritated. Everything looks ok.
I am sure it is just a misunderstanding.
I am sure it is just a misunderstanding.
Re: StarDot forum
You've not seen the Private Messages. I've agreed not to post there again.
StarDot is a forum dedicated to all things Acorn and of course my products are seen as being anti-Acorn (I suppose they are, in a way, given that I have deliberately not striven to maintain compatibility with Acorn products).
I'm also not popular there because of my role, on behalf of the BBC, all those years ago; there seems to be a feeling that it was constraints imposed by the BBC that led to Acorn products not being as functional as they might have been. Naturally I don't agree with that, but it's true that the BBC's 'agenda' (in respect of the aims of the Computer Literacy Project) didn't always mesh with what Acorn would have liked to do given a free hand.
There's a video (available on YouTube I think) in which Chris Curry complains about how annoying and hard to satisfy I was back in 1981; nothing changes.

- Posts: 23
- Joined: Mon 30 Jul 2018, 20:24
Re: StarDot forum
As one of those Richard PM'd over on Stardot, I should say that I'm at a total loss over any perceived upset.
While private messages are just that, I shall not quote what Richard wrote to me, but this is my reply to him:
Mind you, having posted this, if Richard would prefer me not to post here any more, I shall respect that.
While private messages are just that, I shall not quote what Richard wrote to me, but this is my reply to him:
Sure, we have different approaches to software development, and I totally appreciate that his approach works for him and his userbase, and I would never ask him to change that. It possibly stems from the fact I'm not a professional software engineer, being a sysadmin is what keeps the roof over my head!But there is no upset or irritation here, at least at my end.me wrote:Richard, you have got me wrong. I did not ask you to change it. It works the way it does, and that is settled.
And, there is no conflict. We may have different ways of working, and I respect your way of working as that is what works for you and your userbase, and I have not and will not ask you to change that.
Your leaving Stardot will not be a relief to me or to anyone else. As many others have said over the years, your input has been incredibly valuable and welcomed by the vast majority. While I cannot speak for others, I have never seen you as a "traitor" to Acorn.
Please reconsider.
Mind you, having posted this, if Richard would prefer me not to post here any more, I shall respect that.
Maintainer, Matrix Brandy BASIC VI and The Distillery
Re: StarDot forum
I don't think you can claim to speak for every member of the StarDot forum!

I willingly admit that the antagonism towards me at StarDot is nothing like as great as it is at the RISC OS forum, and it is perhaps a little unfair for me to lump them together as both 'Acorn-supporting' forums. You would probably get un unpleasant surprise if you read some of the comments directed at me at the RISC OS forum over the years; I can assure you that nobody there considers my input to be "valuable and welcomed".

That's entirely a matter for the admin of this forum, and if asked I'm sure he would want your contributions to continue.Mind you, having posted this, if Richard would prefer me not to post here any more, I shall respect that.
- Posts: 23
- Joined: Mon 30 Jul 2018, 20:24
Re: StarDot forum
I have seen that, it's a bit of a bear pit and one I want no part of, and quite frankly it's quite disgusting at times. I occasionally visit the forums when trying to work out how to do something in RISC OS, but I don't participate at all - if I needed help with something I'd rather ask on Stardot.RichardRussell wrote: ↑Tue 29 Sep 2020, 10:40 I willingly admit that the antagonism towards me at StarDot is nothing like as great as it is at the RISC OS forum, and it is perhaps a little unfair for me to lump them together as both 'Acorn-supporting' forums. You would probably get un unpleasant surprise if you read some of the comments directed at me at the RISC OS forum over the years; I can assure you that nobody there considers my input to be "valuable and welcomed".![]()
Maintainer, Matrix Brandy BASIC VI and The Distillery
- Posts: 43
- Joined: Mon 02 Apr 2018, 17:13
Re: StarDot forum
It is unfortunate, to get verification of such territorial online alpha male attacks. It only adds negative feelings and now I understand more why a moderator is needed in such forums.I have seen that, it's a bit of a bear pit and one I want no part of, and quite frankly it's quite disgusting at times.
I do know that a work place can be cooperative and positive and the forums can also be moderated for the 'tone' of everyone.
( I understand everything cant be controlled )
I just hope everything can be worked out.
Best wishes to Richard and thanks Soruk
Re: StarDot forum
Here's another classic example of the way I am viewed at the Stardot forum, posted there yesterday. I can't see any circumstances in which I will be accepted as a contributor again, so I propose to ask the admin to delete my membership.
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Re: StarDot forum
It has, in the past, been suggested that my claim to have had an involvement (back in 1981) in agreeing the specification of BBC BASIC is a fantasy that I invented. Given that my memory of the time has all but evaporated, that is something that I have found difficult to refute. However in trawling through some old documents I found this:
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Re: StarDot forum
One of the comments I made at the Stardot forum, which has attracted disbelief and ridicule, was "That's not to say the BBC (and others) had no say in how the language turned out, there was a close degree of liaison and I'm sure there were occasions when Sophie proposed something but the BBC asked for it to be changed, or vice versa".
Despite the claim that Sophie wouldn't have been prepared to make modifications to BBC BASIC, even if asked, I stick by that comment. Indeed I have found this document which proves that there was liaison between Acorn and the BBC in respect of BBC BASIC. I would particularly draw attention to item (4); apparently the BBC can take some credit for the introduction of the EOF# function to the language!
Unfortunately I have not found any record of the meeting of 20th July 1981 referred to, which sounds as though it might be even more relevant as evidence of the BBC's active involvement with how BBC BASIC turned out.
Despite the claim that Sophie wouldn't have been prepared to make modifications to BBC BASIC, even if asked, I stick by that comment. Indeed I have found this document which proves that there was liaison between Acorn and the BBC in respect of BBC BASIC. I would particularly draw attention to item (4); apparently the BBC can take some credit for the introduction of the EOF# function to the language!
Unfortunately I have not found any record of the meeting of 20th July 1981 referred to, which sounds as though it might be even more relevant as evidence of the BBC's active involvement with how BBC BASIC turned out.