I've updated the BBC2APK Android Application Generator to version 1.04. This adds support for an 'XXXL' icon, i.e. an icon with dimensions 192x192 pixels (in addition to the standard 48x48, 72x72, 96x96 and 144x144 icons); an icon of this size may be needed on a device with a very high resolution (e.g. 'retina') screen. Before this change the standard 'BBC Micro' icon (used by BBC BASIC itself) would have been displayed.
Note that it is essential that you download a new APK template (if you haven't already done so since the release of BBCSDL v1.11a) otherwise this change will not be effective - and indeed the app's custom icon will stop working completely.
BBC2APK version 1.04 can be downloaded from here, it's completely free.