The example program (cited in another thread) given for decoding base64
Code: Select all
dec$ = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_"
F% = OPENOUT(@tmp$ + "untitled")
FOR I% = 0 TO LENurl$-1 STEP 4
FOR J% = 1 TO 4
D% = (D% << 6) + (INSTR(dec$,MID$(url$,I%+J%,1))-1 AND &3F)
BPUT#F%,D% >> 16:BPUT#F%,D% >> 8:BPUT#F%,D%
To put it another way, do I have to write my own base64 encoding utility, or is there one already out there that I can use to generate the input for embed= ?