Leaving the forum (yet again).

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Leaving the forum (yet again).

Post by RichardRussell »

For at least the third time in recent years, a complaint has been made about my 'behaviour' and 'attitude' and it has been suggested that I should consider leaving the forum "for the good of the community as a whole". On previous occasions I have been persuaded to return after an 'acceptable' period in exile (6 months to a year) but on this occasion it would seem more appropriate if it was permanent.
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Re: Leaving the forum (yet again).

Post by Ric »

Don't be silly, ok so you say what you think, that's kind of refreshing in a PC world( no pun intended), if they (who ever that may be) are really that offended then maybe they need to get a thicker skin.
Kind Regards Ric.

6502 back in the day, BB4W 2017 onwards, BBCSDL from 2023

Re: Leaving the forum (yet again).

Post by RichardRussell »

Ric wrote: Fri 04 Dec 2020, 23:02 if they are really that offended then maybe they need to get a thicker skin.
I think they would claim that they are not personally "offended" but that my presence is damaging the forum and the language, not least by putting off potential new members and users. That is the point which has been made repeatedly in the past.

Rather than go over old ground, can I suggest that you read this thread from two years ago, when this issue last came up, where pretty much everything that was said then still applies.

What has changed since then is that the deterioration in my mental capacity has accelerated, to the extent that now I cannot contribute anything of value anyway. So whereas a couple of years ago people could argue that my leaving the forum meant a loss of valuable 'expertise', that is no longer the case.

Re: Leaving the forum (yet again).

Post by DDRM »

Hi Richard,

I (as forum admin) have had no such complaints / suggestions, and I wouldn't interpret any of the posts on the forum to carry such a message, so I would encourage you to continue to post. Your contributions are highly valued by many (including me).

Best wishes,

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Re: Leaving the forum (yet again).

Post by Ivan »


I totally agreed.

Best wishes,

BBC Model B - 1984-1989. 6502 assembler, Unicomal 1988-1994, Some C and C++, Pascal 1990-1994. Bought a copy of BBC-BASIC 2007, but started to program at a daily basis 2019. C++ in 2021.
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Re: Leaving the forum (yet again).

Post by Ivan »

Ric wrote: Fri 04 Dec 2020, 23:02 Don't be silly, ok so you say what you think, that's kind of refreshing in a PC world( no pun intended), if they (who ever that may be) are really that offended then maybe they need to get a thicker skin.
Agreed - Richard had in his signature clearly written that he have issues. I have no problem with that and Richard is going directly after the ball.

They should instead laern from his ernomous knowledge, which he generous is sharing.

I had learned a lot, since I participated the forum.
BBC Model B - 1984-1989. 6502 assembler, Unicomal 1988-1994, Some C and C++, Pascal 1990-1994. Bought a copy of BBC-BASIC 2007, but started to program at a daily basis 2019. C++ in 2021.
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Re: Leaving the forum (yet again).

Post by mikeg »

Best to continue on here as before. This all belongs to you Richard.
Focus is on code subject. Feel free to judge the quality of my work.
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Re: Leaving the forum (yet again).

Post by Richey »

Richard, no-one knows more about BBC BASIC than you and we all benefit from this knowledge, from your experience and from the time and effort that you put into it when you could be doing other things, so please stay.
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Re: Leaving the forum (yet again).

Post by Edja »

There is nothing I can add to the arguments that I've posted in the past.
So I'll just say : please stay
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Re: Leaving the forum (yet again).

Post by hellomike »

your presence is "damaging the forum and the language"...... Don't know but maybe for one or two, somehow.


your absence is damaging the forum and the language for ALL (>99%) the rest!

You don't have to be very smart to figure out which option has the best benefit! And you Richard ARE very smart.
