keystroke detection

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keystroke detection

Post by Ric »

If i wish to detect a key stroke at the same time as the mouse movement, if i choose a key such as "shift", this is possible by using INKEY(minus argumant). But if i try this with a lettered key, when i hold down say "X" then the MOUSE x,y,b seems to do nothing and thus the two can not be detected together. Am i doing something wrong or is in not possible to do what i want.

I would like to hold down various keys and then with the mouse movement make different things happen.

Here's hoping

Kind Regards Ric.

6502 back in the day, BB4W 2017 onwards, BBCSDL from 2023
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Re: keystroke detection

Post by hellomike »

Hi Ric,

Not sure what you tried but when I run the following:

Code: Select all

        WAIT 0
        MOUSE X%,Y%,B%
        IF B% IF INKEY(-1) N%+=1 : PRINT "Mouse clicked AND <shift> pressed... ";N%
      UNTIL 0
It will print text only when both a <shift> key is pressed and a mouse button is clicked.



Re: keystroke detection

Post by DDRM »

This seems to work fine:

Code: Select all

        WAIT 1
        MOUSE x%,y%,z%
        PRINT x%,y%
        IF INKEY(-67) THEN PRINT "X down"
The x,y coordinates of the mouse seem to continue to change even while the X is pressed - so presumably I'm misunderstanding your problem. Can you post a brief example of your code, and explain what it doesn't do that you want it to?

Best wishes,

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Re: keystroke detection

Post by KenDown »

It should be noted that ON MOUSE provides a way of telling whether SHIFT or CTRL are held down (see the help files for details). However for other keys you will have to use a negative inkey to test for the specific key. This can be a nuisance if you have half a dozen keys that need to be checked, but I don't know of any other method.