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This Wiki contains a set of technical articles for BBC BASIC programmers, in an easy-to-use form. You can simply browse the contents using the Category List below, or search for a word or phrase by typing it into the Search box (top right). Most importantly, you can contribute to the Wiki by submitting your own articles and adding to or correcting existing ones. To do this you must be a member of this site; if you would like to join click Register at the top of the page.

When adding content to the BBC BASIC Programmers' Reference you are bound by the licence. If you do not want to release your work under this licence, please do not submit articles. Please make sure that your articles are well-structured, that the grammar and spelling are correct (to the best of your ability!) and that any code examples are thoroughly tested. The usefulness of this site is entirely dependent on the quality of the articles submitted.

Adding articles

  1. Type the name of your new page in the Search box (top right) and click on the magnifying glass icon.
  2. Assuming the new page doesn't already exist, it will report 'Nothing was found'.
  3. Click on the 'pencil with plus sign' icon on the right, to create the new page.
  4. Type or paste in your article, using this formatting syntax. If you want to experiment with editing without actually submitting a page use the Playground. Please use only CAPITAL keywords in your code examples; see also Marking up BBC BASIC program code.
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  7. Add your article to the appropriate index page (see category list below) or, if you are unsure whether it is ready for that, post a message to the BB4W forum requesting that it be reviewed.

Category List

  • Assembler
    Articles related to assembly language programming.
  • BBC BASIC Language
    Articles related to BBC BASIC syntax, keywords etc.
    Articles related to variables, arrays, strings, data structures etc.
  • Communication and I/O
    Articles related to network, internet and socket programming.
    Articles related to serial, parallel, Bluetooth, USB etc. input/output.
  • Database and Files
    Articles related to database technologies.
    Articles related to handling files, directories and disks.
    Articles related to specific file formats.
  • Graphics and Games
    Articles related to graphics (2D and 3D) and animation.
    Articles related to games programming.
  • Libraries
    List of currently available libraries.
    Articles related to the use and development of libraries.
  • Manual
    Links to the BBC BASIC for Windows Help documentation.
    Links to other sources of reference information.
  • Operating System
    Articles related to Operating System features not covered elsewhere.
    Articles related to calling DLLs, OCXs, object methods etc.
    Articles related to COM/OLE Automation.
  • Program Editor and IDE
    Articles related to the BBC BASIC for Windows program editor.
    Articles related to the compiler and other IDE tools.
  • Sound, Music and Video
    Articles related to sound, music and video programming.
    Articles related to multimedia applications.
  • Tools and Utilities
    List of available software tools to aid programming productivity.
    Descriptions and download locations of add-on utilities.
  • Tutorials
    Articles specifically teaching aspects of BB4W programming.
    Links to external tutorials.
  • User Interface
    Articles related to the mouse, keyboard and screen.
    Articles related to the Windows Graphical User Interface.

The owner of this site reserves the right to change, add to, or delete any articles without notice.

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start.1527252512.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/01/05 00:16 (external edit)