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List View with header tooltips
by Richard Russell, April 2011
The article List View with tooltips shows how to add tooltips to the main body of a List View control. Occasionally you may instead want to add tooltips to the column headers; the program listed below shows one way of achieving that. Basically it differs from the other program only in using the Header Control handle hwndHD% rather than the List View handle hwndLV%, and in substituting the LVM_SUBITEMHITTEST and LVM_GETITEMRECT messages with the equivalents for the Header Control: HDM_HITTEST and HDM_GETITEMRECT respectively.
It would be possible to combine the code from the two programs to provide tooltips for both the main body of the List View and the column headers. I will leave that as an exercise for the reader!
REM. List View with header tooltips, Richard Russell, 05-Apr-2011 REM. Install libraries: INSTALL @lib$+"WINLIB5" nColumns% = 5 REM!WC Windows constants: GW_CHILD = 5 HDM_GETITEMRECT = 4615 HDM_HITTEST = 4614 LVCF_FMT = 1 LVCF_SUBITEM = 8 LVCF_TEXT = 4 LVCF_WIDTH = 2 LVIF_PARAM = 4 LVIF_STATE = 8 LVIF_TEXT = 1 LVM_GETTOOLTIPS = 4174 LVM_INSERTCOLUMN = 4123 LVM_INSERTITEM = 4103 LVM_SETITEMTEXT = 4142 LVS_REPORT = 1 TTF_SUBCLASS = 16 TTM_ADDTOOL = &404 TTM_NEWTOOLRECT = &406 TTM_UPDATETIPTEXT = &40C ON ERROR SYS "MessageBox", @hwnd%, REPORT$, 0, 48 : PROCcleanup : QUIT ON CLOSE PROCcleanup : QUIT REM. Declare and initialise structures: DIM pt{x%,y%}, rc{l%,t%,r%,b%} DIM ti{cbSize%, uFlags%, hwnd%, uId%, rect{} = rc{}, hinst%, lpszText%} DIM hdh{pt{} = pt{}, flags%, iItem%} DIM lvc{mask%, fmt%, cx%, pszText%, cchTextMax%, iSubItem%} DIM lvi{mask%, iItem%, iSubItem%, state%, stateMask%, pszText%, \ \ cchTextMax%, iImage%, lParam%} lvc.mask% = LVCF_WIDTH OR LVCF_SUBITEM OR LVCF_FMT OR LVCF_TEXT lvi.mask% = LVIF_TEXT OR LVIF_STATE OR LVIF_PARAM REM. Create list view control: SYS "InitCommonControls" dx% = dy% = @vdu.tb% hwndLV% = FN_createwindow("SysListView32", "", 0, 0, dx%, dy%, 0, LVS_REPORT, 0) SYS "GetWindow", hwndLV%, GW_CHILD TO hwndHD% FOR col% = 0 TO nColumns%-1 title$ = "Column " + STR$col% + " header" + CHR$0 = dx% DIV nColumns% lvc.pszText% = !^title$ lvc.cchTextMax% = LEN(title$) lvc.iSubItem% = col% SYS "SendMessage", hwndLV%, LVM_INSERTCOLUMN, col%, lvc{} NEXT SYS "SendMessage", hwndLV%, LVM_GETTOOLTIPS, 0, 0 TO hwndTT% ti.cbSize% = DIM(ti{}) ti.uFlags% = TTF_SUBCLASS ti.hwnd% = hwndHD% SYS "SendMessage", hwndTT%, TTM_ADDTOOL, 0, ti{} REM. Populate list view control: FOR item% = 0 TO 10 FOR col% = 0 TO nColumns% text$ = "Item " + STR$item% + " column " + STR$col% + CHR$0 lvi.iItem% = item% lvi.iSubItem% = col% lvi.pszText% = !^text$ lvi.cchTextMax% = LEN(text$) IF col% THEN SYS "SendMessage", hwndLV%, LVM_SETITEMTEXT, item%, lvi{} ELSE SYS "SendMessage", hwndLV%, LVM_INSERTITEM, item%, lvi{} ENDIF NEXT col% NEXT item% REM. Polling loop, monitoring mouse position: oldx% = -1 oldy% = -1 REPEAT WAIT 1 SYS "GetCursorPos", pt{} SYS "ScreenToClient", hwndHD%, pt{} IF pt.x%<>oldx% OR pt.y%<>oldy% THEN oldx% = pt.x% oldy% = pt.y% PROCtooltip(pt.x%, pt.y%) ENDIF UNTIL FALSE DEF PROCtooltip(x%, y%) LOCAL tip$ = x% = y% SYS "SendMessage", hwndHD%, HDM_HITTEST, 0, hdh{} IF hdh.iItem% >= 0 THEN SYS "SendMessage", hwndHD%, HDM_GETITEMRECT, hdh.iItem%, rc{} tip$ = "Tooltip for column " + STR$(hdh.iItem%) + CHR$0 ti.lpszText% = !^tip$ ti.rect.l% = rc.l% ti.rect.r% = rc.r% ti.rect.t% = rc.t% ti.rect.b% = rc.b% SYS "SendMessage", hwndTT%, TTM_UPDATETIPTEXT, 0, ti{} SYS "SendMessage", hwndTT%, TTM_NEWTOOLRECT, 0, ti{} ENDIF ENDPROC DEF PROCcleanup hwndLV% += 0 : IF hwndLV% PROC_closewindow(hwndLV%) : hwndLV% = 0 ENDPROC