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Inserting characters into the keyboard buffer
by Richard Russell, July 2006
On the BBC Microcomputer and some other Acorn computers you could insert a character into the keyboard buffer using the *FX 138 command. For example the following code would insert the character “R” (CHR$82) into the keyboard buffer:
- FX138,0,82
BBC BASIC for Windows doesn't have a directly equivalent command, but you can achieve the same effect using the following procedure:
DEF PROCfx138(C%) WM_CHAR = 258 SYS "PostMessage", @hwnd%, WM_CHAR, C%, 0 ENDPROC
So to insert the character “R” into the keyboard buffer you would do:
or, equivalently,
inserting_20characters_20into_20the_20keyboard_20buffer.1522502365.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/01/05 00:17 (external edit)