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Example property sheet

by Richard Russell, October 2015

The main BBC BASIC for Windows Help documentation contains information on how to create a Property Sheet, but no demonstration program is supplied. For those who prefer to adapt an existing program rather than to write their own from scratch, here is an example of a property sheet in action.

By default the Apply button is not enabled, but here it is. Note that you will receive a notification that the Apply button has been pressed for each page in your property sheet (so in the example below you will receive it twice):

      REM. Program to demonstrate the use of property sheets from BBC BASIC
      REM. Richard Russell 5th August 2002
      INSTALL @lib$+"WINLIB2"
      INSTALL @lib$+"WINLIB4"
      DIM Text% 255
      REM!WC Windows Constants:
      CB_ADDSTRING = 323
      CB_SETCURSEL = 334
      CBS_SORT = 256
      EM_SETSEL = &B1
      ES_NUMBER = 8192
      PSM_CHANGED = &468
      SS_BITMAP = &E
      SS_CENTERIMAGE = 512
      SS_NOPREFIX = &80
      SS_RIGHT = 2
      STM_SETIMAGE = 370
      UDM_SETRANGE = &465
      WS_GROUP = &20000
      WS_TABSTOP = 65536
      chx1 = 101
      chx2 = 102
      chx3 = 103
      chx4 = 104
      chx5 = 105
      grp1 = 201
      grp2 = 202
      grp3 = 203
      grp4 = 204
      rdb1 = 301
      rdb2 = 302
      rdb3 = 303
      rdb4 = 304
      rdb5 = 305
      edt1 = 401
      edt2 = 402
      edt3 = 403
      psh2 = 502
      cmb4 = 604
      stc2 = 702
      stc3 = 703
      stc5 = 705
      stc6 = 706
      stc7 = 707
      stc8 = 708
      stc9 = 709
      stc10 = 710
      stc11 = 711
      stc12 = 712
      stc13 = 713
      stc14 = 714
      ico3 = 803
      upd1 = 903
      REM. Create the dialogues:
      page0% = FN_newdialog("Page 1", 32, 32, 288, 128, 8, 650)
      PROC_groupbox(page0%, "Printer", grp4, 8, 4, 272, 84, WS_GROUP)
      PROC_static(page0%, "&Name:", stc6, 16, 20, 36, 8, 0)
      PROC_combobox(page0%, "", cmb4, 52, 18, 152, 152, CBS_DROPDOWNLIST OR CBS_SORT OR WS_GROUP)
      PROC_pushbutton(page0%, "&Properties", psh2, 212, 17, 60, 14, WS_GROUP)
      PROC_static(page0%, "Status:", stc8, 16, 36, 36, 10, SS_NOPREFIX)
      PROC_static(page0%, "", stc12, 52, 36, 224, 10, SS_NOPREFIX OR SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP)
      PROC_static(page0%, "Type:", stc7, 16, 48, 36, 10, SS_NOPREFIX)
      PROC_static(page0%, "", stc11, 52, 48, 224, 10, SS_NOPREFIX OR SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP)
      PROC_static(page0%, "Where:", stc10, 16, 60, 36, 10, SS_NOPREFIX)
      PROC_static(page0%, "", stc14, 52, 60, 224, 10, SS_NOPREFIX OR SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP)
      PROC_static(page0%, "Comment:", stc9, 16, 72, 36, 10, SS_NOPREFIX)
      PROC_static(page0%, "", stc13, 52, 72, 152, 10, SS_NOPREFIX OR SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP)
      PROC_checkbox(page0%, "Print to fi&le", chx1, 212, 70, 64, 12, WS_GROUP)
      page1% = FN_newdialog("Page 2", 32, 32, 288, 128, 8, 1100)
      PROC_groupbox(page1%, "Print range", grp1, 8, 4, 144, 64, WS_GROUP)
      PROC_radiobutton(page1%, "&All", rdb1, 16, 18, 20, 12, WS_GROUP)
      PROC_radiobutton(page1%, "Pa&ges", rdb3, 16, 34, 36, 12, -WS_TABSTOP)
      PROC_radiobutton(page1%, "&Selected region", rdb2, 16, 50, 64, 12, 0)
      PROC_static(page1%, "&from:", stc2, 52, 36, 20, 8, SS_RIGHT)
      PROC_editbox(page1%, "", edt1, 74, 34, 26, 12, WS_GROUP OR ES_NUMBER)
      PROC_static(page1%, "&to:", stc3, 102, 36, 14, 8, SS_RIGHT)
      PROC_editbox(page1%, "", edt2, 118, 34, 26, 12, WS_GROUP OR ES_NUMBER)
      PROC_groupbox(page1%, "Copies", grp2, 160, 4, 120, 64, WS_GROUP)
      PROC_static(page1%, "Number of &copies:", stc5, 168, 20, 68, 8, 0)
      PROC_editbox(page1%, "", edt3, 240, 18, 32, 12, WS_GROUP OR ES_NUMBER)
      PROC_dlgctrl(page1%, "", upd1, 0, 0, 12, 12, &50000096, "msctls_updown32")
      PROC_static(page1%, "", ico3, 162, 36, 76, 24, SS_BITMAP OR SS_CENTERIMAGE OR WS_GROUP)
      PROC_checkbox(page1%, "C&ollate", chx2, 240, 42, 36, 12, WS_GROUP)
      PROC_groupbox(page1%, "Syntax highlighting", grp3, 8, 72, 272, 48, WS_GROUP)
      PROC_radiobutton(page1%, "Print in colou&r", rdb4, 16, 86, 60, 12, WS_GROUP)
      PROC_radiobutton(page1%, "Print in blac&k", rdb5, 16, 102, 60, 12, 0)
      PROC_checkbox(page1%, "&Underlined keywords", chx3, 78, 102, 80, 12, WS_GROUP)
      PROC_checkbox(page1%, "&Italic REMarks", chx4, 162, 102, 62, 12, WS_GROUP)
      PROC_checkbox(page1%, "&Bold strings", chx5, 226, 102, 52, 12, WS_GROUP)
      REM. Create the property sheet:
      pages% = 2
      DIM dlg%(pages%-1), hdlg%(pages%-1)
      dlg%() = page0%, page1%
      PropSh% = FN_newpropsheet("Property sheet", pages%, 0, 0, dlg%()) : REM. Caption, no. of pages, initial page, list of dialogues
      REM. Display the property sheet:
      PROC_showpropsheet(PropSh%, hdlg%())
      ON CLOSE PROCcleanup : QUIT
      ON ERROR SYS "MessageBox", @hwnd%, REPORT$, 0, 0 : PROCcleanup : QUIT
      REM. Initialise page 1:
      SYS "SendDlgItemMessage", hdlg%(0), cmb4, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, "HP LaserJet IIIP"
      SYS "SendDlgItemMessage", hdlg%(0), cmb4, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, "HP LaserJet Plus"
      SYS "SendDlgItemMessage", hdlg%(0), cmb4, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, "HP Photosmart 1115"
      SYS "SendDlgItemMessage", hdlg%(0), cmb4, CB_SETCURSEL, 0, 0
      SYS "SetDlgItemText", hdlg%(0), stc12, "Default printer; Ready"
      SYS "SetDlgItemText", hdlg%(0), stc11, "HP LaserJet IIIP"
      SYS "SetDlgItemText", hdlg%(0), stc14, "LPT1:"
      REM. Initialise page 2:
      SYS "CheckRadioButton", hdlg%(1), rdb1, rdb2, rdb1
      SYS "GetDlgItem", hdlg%(1), rdb2 TO hrad2%
      SYS "EnableWindow", hrad2%, 0
      SYS "SetDlgItemInt", hdlg%(1), edt1, 1
      SYS "SetDlgItemInt", hdlg%(1), edt2, 1
      SYS "SetDlgItemInt", hdlg%(1), edt3, 1
      SYS "CheckDlgButton", hdlg%(1), chx2, 1
      SYS "CheckRadioButton", hdlg%(1), rdb4, rdb5, rdb5
      SYS "CheckDlgButton", hdlg%(1), chx3, 1
      SYS "CheckDlgButton", hdlg%(1), chx4, 1
      SYS "CheckDlgButton", hdlg%(1), chx5, 1
      SYS "SendDlgItemMessage", hdlg%(1), upd1, UDM_SETRANGE, 0, (1 << 16)+9999
      SYS "GetDlgItem", hdlg%(1), chx2 TO hchx2%
      SYS "EnableWindow", hchx2%, 0
      SYS "LoadImage", 0, @dir$+"collate.bmp", 0, 97, 41, LR_LOADMAP3DCOLORS OR \
      \                LR_LOADFROMFILE TO hCollate%
      SYS "LoadImage", 0, @dir$+"copies.bmp", 0, 109, 41, LR_LOADMAP3DCOLORS OR \
      \                LR_LOADFROMFILE TO hCopies%
      SYS "SendDlgItemMessage", hdlg%(1), ico3, STM_SETIMAGE, 0, hCollate%
      REM. Process page changes and button clicks:
      DIM Q%(31)
      ON SYS Q%() = Q%(0)+1,@wparam%,Q%(1),Q%(2),Q%(3),Q%(4),Q%(5),Q%(6),Q%(7),Q%(8),\
      \ Q%(9),Q%(10),Q%(11),Q%(12),Q%(13),Q%(14),Q%(15),Q%(16),Q%(17),Q%(18),Q%(19),Q%(20),\
      \ Q%(21),Q%(22),Q%(23),Q%(24),Q%(25),Q%(26),Q%(27),Q%(28),Q%(29),Q%(30) : RETURN
      oldhdlg% = 0
        WAIT 1
        click% = 0
        IF Q%(0) click% = Q%(Q%(0)) : Q%(0) -= 1
        SYS "SendMessage", !PropSh%, PSM_CHANGED, hdlg%(0), 0
        SYS "SendMessage", !PropSh%, PSM_GETCURRENTPAGEHWND, 0, 0 TO hdlg%
        oldhdlg% = hdlg%
        CASE click% AND &FFFF OF
          WHEN 1:
            PRINT "OK or APPLY pressed"
            SYS "GetDlgItemText", hdlg%(0), stc11, Text%, 255
            PRINT "Printer name = " $$Text%
            SYS "IsDlgButtonChecked", hdlg%(0), chx1 TO ptf%
            IF ptf% THEN PRINT "Print to file"
            SYS "IsDlgButtonChecked", hdlg%(1), rdb1 TO all%
            IF all% THEN
              PRINT "All pages"
              SYS "GetDlgItemInt", hdlg%(1), edt1, 0, 0 TO first%
              SYS "GetDlgItemInt", hdlg%(1), edt2, 0, 0 TO last%
              PRINT "Page range ";first%; " to ";last%
            SYS "GetDlgItemInt", hdlg%(1), edt3, 0, 0 TO copies%
            PRINT "No. of copies = ";copies%
            IF copies%>1 THEN
              SYS "IsDlgButtonChecked", hdlg%(1), chx2 TO coll%
              IF coll% PRINT "Collate"
            SYS "IsDlgButtonChecked", hdlg%(1), rdb4 TO col%
            IF col% THEN
              PRINT "Print in colour"
              PRINT "Print in black & white"
          WHEN 2:
            PRINT "CANCEL pressed"
          WHEN rdb3:
            SYS "GetDlgItem", hdlg%(1), edt1 TO hedt1%
            SYS "SetForegroundWindow", hedt1%
            SYS "SendDlgItemMessage", hdlg%(1), edt1, EM_SETSEL, 0, -1
          WHEN rdb4:
            SYS "GetDlgItem", hdlg%(1), chx3 TO hchx3%
            SYS "EnableWindow", hchx3%, 0
            SYS "GetDlgItem", hdlg%(1), chx4 TO hchx4%
            SYS "EnableWindow", hchx4%, 0
            SYS "GetDlgItem", hdlg%(1), chx5 TO hchx5%
            SYS "EnableWindow", hchx5%, 0
          WHEN rdb5:
            SYS "GetDlgItem", hdlg%(1), chx3 TO hchx3%
            SYS "EnableWindow", hchx3%, 1
            SYS "GetDlgItem", hdlg%(1), chx4 TO hchx4%
            SYS "EnableWindow", hchx4%, 1
            SYS "GetDlgItem", hdlg%(1), chx5 TO hchx5%
            SYS "EnableWindow", hchx5%, 1
          WHEN chx2:
            SYS "IsDlgButtonChecked", hdlg%(1), chx2 TO collate%
            IF collate% THEN
              SYS "SendDlgItemMessage", hdlg%(1), ico3, STM_SETIMAGE, 0, hCollate%
              SYS "SendDlgItemMessage", hdlg%(1), ico3, STM_SETIMAGE, 0, hCopies%
          WHEN cmb4:
            SYS "GetDlgItemText", hdlg%(0), cmb4, Text%, 255
            SYS "SetDlgItemText", hdlg%(0), stc11, Text%
          WHEN edt3:
            SYS "GetDlgItemInt", hdlg%(1), edt3, 0, 0 TO copies%
            SYS "EnableWindow", hchx2%, -(copies%>1)
      UNTIL hdlg% = 0
      DEF PROCcleanup
      PropSh% += 0   : IF PropSh%   PROC_closepropsheet(PropSh%)  : PropSh% = 0
      hCollate% += 0 : IF hCollate% SYS "DeleteObject", hCollate% : hCollate% = 0
      hCopies% += 0  : IF hCopies%  SYS "DeleteObject", hCopies%  : hCopies% = 0
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example_20property_20sheet.1522502359.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/01/05 00:17 (external edit)