Using a pager control

by Richard Russell, July 2010

A pager control is useful if you have a child window which is too big to be displayed in its entirety. The pager control allows you to scroll into view the part of the child control in which you are interested.

A typical use of a pager control is to allow you to scroll through a toolbar which is too wide to fit across your main window. Another use, and the one I will take as an example, is to allow you to scroll through a dialogue box which would otherwise be too big.

In order to use a pager control the first step is to perform some initialisation, as follows:

        INSTALL @lib$+"WINLIB2"
        INSTALL @lib$+"WINLIB5A"
        ON CLOSE PROCcleanup : QUIT
        ON ERROR SYS "MessageBox", @hwnd%, REPORT$, 0, 48 : PROCcleanup : QUIT
        REM!WC Windows Constants:
        CCS_NORESIZE = 4
        GWL_WNDPROC = -4
        PGM_SETCHILD = &1401
        PGS_HORZ = 1
        PGS_VERT = 0
        WC_PAGESCROLLER$ = "SysPager"
        WM_NOTIFY = &4E
        WS_DLGFRAME = &400000
        WS_BORDER = &800000
        WS_CHILD = &40000000
        WS_POPUP = &80000000
        REM Enable the use of pager controls:
        DIM iccx{dwSize%, dwICC%}
        iccx.dwSize% = DIM(iccx{})
        SYS "InitCommonControlsEx", iccx{}

Note that WINLIB2 is installed for the purpose of creating the dialogue box; it is not required for the pager control itself. The ON CLOSE and ON ERROR statements ensure that the dialogue box is closed when the program is terminated. The PROCcleanup routine is listed below.

The next step is to create the pager control:

        x% = 100
        y% = 100
        dx% = 200
        dy% = 200
        hPager% = FN_createwindow(@hwnd%, WC_PAGESCROLLER$, "", x%, y%, dx%, dy%, \
        \                         0, PGS_VERT OR WS_BORDER, 0)
        IF hPager% = 0 ERROR 100, "Cannot create pager control"

The position and size have been set to arbitrary values for the purpose of the demonstration. The PGS_VERT style signifies that the pager control allows vertical scrolling; if you want to enable horizontal scrolling specify the PGS_HORZ style (you cannot enable both at the same time).

The appearance of the pager control and its scroll buttons can be changed by sending various messages; see this MSDN page for details.

Now we create the child window that we wish to scroll. In this case, purely for the purposes of the example, it is a dialogue box containing a grid of 160 pushbuttons:

        Dialog% = FN_newdialog("Pager test", 0, 0, 120, 1000, 8, 10000)
        id% = 100
        FOR y% = 5 TO 980 STEP 25
          FOR x% = 10 TO 100 STEP 30
            PROC_pushbutton(Dialog%, STR$(id%), id%, x%, y%, 20, 18, 0)
            id% += 1
          NEXT x%
        NEXT y%

Before we display the dialogue box we need to perform a little magic on its template:

        Dialog%!16 = (Dialog%!16 AND NOT (WS_POPUP OR WS_DLGFRAME)) OR \
        \            WS_CHILD OR CCS_NORESIZE
        !(Dialog%!4+8) = hPager% : REM Set parent

The first line modifies the dialogue box's style; in particular the title bar is removed and it is made a child window. The second line sets the dialogue box's parent to be the pager control we created earlier.

We have to tell the pager control the dimensions of the child window it contains, so it can calculate when to display the scroll buttons. This is done as follows:

        DIM rc{l%,t%,r%,b%}
        SYS "GetWindowRect", !Dialog%, rc{}
        PROCsetnotify(rc.r%-rc.l%, rc.b%-rc.t%)

The PROCsetnotify routine is listed below.

There is just one more step, which is to 'assign' the dialogue box to the pager control:

        SYS "SendMessage", hPager%, PGM_SETCHILD, 0, !Dialog%

Now the pager control, containing the scrollable dialogue box, should be displayed. The rest of the program is simulated by this simple loop:

          WAIT 0

In practice you will want to do something rather more useful!

Here are the listings of the PROCsetnotify and PROCcleanup routines:

        DEF PROCsetnotify(iWidth%, iHeight%)
        LOCAL L%, P%, oldwndproc, newwndproc, exit, notify
        DIM P% 50, L% -1
        SYS "GetWindowLong", @hwnd%, GWL_WNDPROC TO oldwndproc
        [OPT 10
        pop eax
        push oldwndproc
        push eax
        jmp "CallWindowProc"
        cmp dword [esp+8],WM_NOTIFY
        jnz exit
        mov edx,[esp+16] ; lParam
        cmp dword [edx+8],PGN_CALCSIZE
        jnz exit
        mov dword [edx+16],iWidth%
        mov dword [edx+20],iHeight%
        ret 16
        SYS "SetWindowLong", @hwnd%, GWL_WNDPROC, newwndproc
        DEF PROCcleanup
        Dialog% += 0 : IF Dialog% PROC_closedialog(Dialog%)
        hPager% += 0 : IF hPager% PROC_closewindow(hPager%)

Needless to say, you should incorporate in the PROCcleanup routine any cleanup operations needed by the rest of your program.