by Richard Russell, April 2019
It is straighforward to run a BASIC program from the command line, using either the BBC BASIC for Windows or BBC BASIC for SDL 2.0 run-time engine:
\path\to\bbcwrun6 \path\to\ /path/to/bbcsdl /path/to/
But this only works when the program is in internal 'tokenised' format, i.e. a .BBC file. If you attempt to use the same method to run a program in 'plain text' (.BAS) format you will receive a 'Bad program' error message.
Fortunately there is a relatively simple solution, by using a helper program. Save the program listed below as, then run the BAS file as follows (the quotes are important):
\path\to\bbcwrun6 "\path\to\" \path\to\myprog.bas /path/to/bbcsdl "/path/to/" /path/to/myprog.bas
Here is the helper program, save it from the IDE as
REM. Find address of string accumulator: IF INKEY(-256)<>&57 IF @platform% AND &40 Accs%% = ]332 ELSE Accs%% = !332 REM. Allocate a 256-byte string buffer: DIM Buff%% 255 REM. Find BAS file name: IF ASC@cmd$=&22 P% = INSTR(@cmd$,"""",2) ELSE P% = INSTR(@cmd$," ",2) IF P% = 0 ERROR 0, "No BAS filename specified" REM. Open BAS file: F% = OPENIN MID$(@cmd$,P%+1) IF F% = 0 ERROR 0, "Couldn't open file " + MID$(@cmd$,P%+1) REM. Allocate space for program: DIM Prog%% EXT#F% + 255 Prog%% = (Prog%% + 255) AND -256 PAGE = Prog%% REM. Read and tokenise BAS file: WHILE NOT EOF#F% $Buff%% = GET$#F% IF $Buff%%<>"" THEN N% = VAL$Buff%% WHILE ?Buff%%=&20 OR ?Buff%%>=&30 AND ?Buff%%<=&39 $Buff%% = MID$($Buff%%,2) : ENDWHILE REPEAT I%=INSTR($Buff%%,".") : IF I% MID$($Buff%%,I%,1) = CHR$17 UNTIL I%=0 : REPEAT I%=INSTR($Buff%%,"\") : IF I% MID$($Buff%%,I%,1) = CHR$18 UNTIL I%=0 : IF EVAL("1RECTANGLERECTANGLE:"+$Buff%%) $Buff%% = $(Accs%%+4) REPEAT I%=INSTR($Buff%%,CHR$18) : IF I% MID$($Buff%%,I%,1) = "\" UNTIL I%=0 : REPEAT I%=INSTR($Buff%%,CHR$17) : IF I% MID$($Buff%%,I%,1) = "." UNTIL I%=0 : L% = LEN$Buff%% + 4 : IF L%>255 ERROR 0, "Line too long" $Prog%% = CHR$(L%)+CHR$(N%MOD256)+CHR$(N%DIV256)+$Buff%% : Prog%% += L% : ?Prog%% = 0 ENDIF ENDWHILE CLOSE #F% : !Prog%% = &FFFF00 F% = 0 : I% = 0 : L% = 0 : N% = 0 : P% = 0 : RUN