by Richard Russell, July 2009
In the C programming language, an assignment operation such as:
variable = expression
can be used either as a statement or as a function. When used as a function, it returns the new value of the variable. Whilst at first sight this might not seem very useful, it is particularly convenient in the case of a while loop, for example:
while (variable = expression) { // Do something useful here }
Here variable is set equal to the value of expression and if its new value is non-zero the body of the loop is executed (note that it is not testing whether variable is equal to expression; in C you do that using the == operator).
Since in BBC BASIC an assignment is a statement, you can't straightforwardly do this, and you have to code it as follows:
variable = expression WHILE variable REM Do something useful here variable = expression ENDWHILE
As you can see, this involves writing the assignment statement twice, once outside the loop and again inside the loop. This is inelegant and potentially error-prone, for example you might make a change to one of the assignments but forget to change the other.
To emulate the C behaviour you can utilise this simple function:
DEF FNassign(RETURN variable, expression) variable = expression = variable
Now you can write the loop as follows:
WHILE FNassign(variable, expression) REM Do something useful here ENDWHILE
Note that since variant numeric variables are used in the function (i.e. without a 'type' suffix character) it will work equally well with integer variables and values as with floating-point variables.