=====Simple list box===== //by Richard Russell, February 2012//\\ \\ A simple List Box may be used to display a list of items which is too big to fit in the output window in its entirety. The List Box provides the ability to scroll through the list, without the overheads associated with a dialogue box:\\ LB_ADDSTRING = 384 WS_BORDER = &800000 WS_VSCROLL = &200000 INSTALL @lib$+"WINLIB5" hlb% = FN_listbox("", 50, 50, 200, 100, 1, WS_BORDER+WS_VSCROLL) FOR item% = 1 TO 10 READ item$ SYS "SendMessage", hlb%, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, item$ NEXT END DATA Here, are, some, items, to, put, in, the, list, box