=====Replacing the message pump=====
//by Richard Russell, January 2012//\\ \\ In Windows, every User Interface (UI) thread must have a [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Message_loop_in_Microsoft_Windows|message pump]] (or message loop), the function of which is to serialise and dispatch incoming messages to their destination windows. \\ \\ In //BBC BASIC for Windows// the message pump is provided by the Run Time Engine, and generally the programmer doesn't need to be aware of it. For anybody who may be interested, this is its C code:\\
while (GetMessage (&msg, NULL, 0, 0) != FALSE )
if (((hwndMDIC == NULL) ||
!TranslateMDISysAccel (hwndMDIC, &msg))
&& ((haccel == NULL) ||
!TranslateAccelerator (hwacc, haccel, &msg)))
TranslateMessage (&msg) ;
DispatchMessage (&msg) ;
Very occasionally there may be a requirement to use a different message pump. For example, in order for **keyboard navigation** to work in a dialogue box, the message pump must include a call to the [[http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms645498(v=vs.85).aspx|IsDialogMessage]] API.\\ \\ Until very recently I believed that it was impossible to //replace// the existing BB4W message pump, and that therefore the only way to provide a different one was to start a new thread (each thread has its own message pump). This is the principal reason why the **WINLIB2** library creates a new thread for every new dialogue box created.\\ \\ However I have discovered that in fact there is a way of replacing the 'main' message pump, and the procedure listed below does exactly that:
DEF PROCnewmessagepump
LOCAL K%, L%, M%, N%, O%, P%, S%, U%, code%, pass%
DIM code% 130, L% -1
FOR pass% = 8 TO 10 STEP 2
P% = code%
[OPT pass%
add esp,28
ret 16
sub esp,28
push 0 : call "ReplyMessage"
push @hwnd% : call "IsWindow" : or eax,eax : jz K%
mov eax,esp : push 0 : push 0 : push 0 : push eax
call "GetMessage" : or eax,eax : jz K%
push esp : push @haccel% : push @hwnd% : call "TranslateAccelerator"
or eax,eax : jnz U%
call "GetForegroundWindow"
cmp eax,@hwnd% : jz S%
push esp : push eax : call "IsDialogMessage"
or eax,eax : jnz U%
push esp : call "TranslateMessage"
push esp : call "DispatchMessage"
jmps U%
.M% cmp dword [esp+8],&502 : jz N%
pop eax : push [^O%] : push eax : jmp "CallWindowProc"
NEXT pass%
SYS "GetWindowLong", @hwnd%, -4 TO O%
SYS "SetWindowLong", @hwnd%, -4, M%
SYS "SendMessage", @hwnd%, &502, 0, 0
SYS "SetWindowLong", @hwnd%, -4, O%
SYS "SendMessage", @hwnd%, 0, 0, 0