=====Opening a file by dropping or right-clicking===== //by Richard Russell, October 2007//\\ \\ In Windows, some common ways of opening a file (for example a **document** or **image** file) are as follows:\\ * **Drag-and-drop** the file onto the icon of the application you want to open it. * **Right-click** on the file's icon and select **Open With** from the menu. * **Right-click** on the file's icon and select **Send To** from the menu. * **Double-click** on the file's icon (it will be opened by the default viewer for that file type). \\ You may want your own BBC BASIC program to be able to open a file in one of these ways. That is easily achieved because in each case what happens is that the selected application is executed with the //path and name to the selected file// in the command line. So all you need to do in your program is extract the contents of the **@cmd$** system variable and use that as the path/name of the file to be opened.\\ \\ There is just one minor complication. If the path or name of the file contains spaces, Windows encloses the entire **@cmd$** string in quotation marks ("). Your program must remove those before the the path/filename is suitable for use.\\ \\ Here is a very simple program which displays a BMP file:\\ \\ bmpfile$ = @cmd$ IF ASC(bmpfile$)=34 bmpfile$=EVAL(bmpfile$) OSCLI "DISPLAY """+bmpfile$+"""" The first line copies the contents of **@cmd$** (since you must not attempt to modify the contents of that variable). The second line examines the path/filename and if it is enclosed in quotation marks they are stripped off. The third line displays the image; note the addition of quotation marks. It may seem strange to strip off the quotes and then put them back again, but that ensures that the contents of **bmpfile$** are in a suitable form whenever a valid path/filename is needed (for example in an **OPENIN** function).\\ \\ Of course this only works when you have 'compiled' your program to a standalone executable, since only then can your program be executed by Windows in this way. When testing your program in the Interactive Development Environment **@cmd$** will contain an empty string. You may therefore wish to add to your program so that in these circumstances it requests the filename, for example:\\ \\ bmpfile$ = @cmd$ IF ASC(bmpfile$)=34 bmpfile$=EVAL(bmpfile$) IF bmpfile$ = "" THEN bmpfile$ = FNrequestfile OSCLI "DISPLAY """+bmpfile$+"""" Here **FNrequestfile** is assumed to prompt the user to enter (or select) a filename, perhaps by means of an [[http://www.bbcbasic.co.uk/bbcwin/manual/bbcwin5.html#input|INPUT]] statement or by using the Windows [[http://www.bbcbasic.co.uk/bbcwin/manual/bbcwine.html#opensave|GetOpenFileName]] dialogue.\\ \\ To add your compiled application to the **Send To** list you need to place a shortcut there as follows:\\ - Click **Start**, and then click **Run**. - In the Open box, type "**sendto**", and then click **OK**. - Add a destination by doing one of the following: * Right-drag your application into the SendTo folder, and select 'Create shortcut here'. * Select File... New and then click Shortcut. \\ To make your application the default viewer for a specific file type you will need to edit the file **associations**. You can do that as follows:\\ - Open **My Computer** or **Windows Explorer**. - Select Tools... Folder Options... File Types. - Select the appropriate extension from the list. - Click the **Change** button. - Select your application from the list. - Confirm with **OK**.