=====Fetching a secure web page=====
//by Richard Russell, July 2009, updated July 2018//\\ \\ The procedure listed below fetches the contents of a secure (**https:**) web page to a specified file; it uses the [[http://www.openssl.org/|OpenSSL]] library and requires the files **libssl-1_1.dll** and **libcrypto-1_1.dll** to be available. They can be obtained from [[https://slproweb.com/products/Win32OpenSSL.html|this page]]; download and install **Win32OpenSSL_Light-1_1_0h.exe** from there. You should normally choose the option of installing the DLLs in the Windows system directory.
If you want to distribute **libssl-1_1.dll** and **libcrypto-1_1.dll** with your application then store them in **@dir$** and embed them in the executable. Alternatively you can put them in **@lib$** (or a sub-directory) but in that case you will need to amend the procedure below to load them explicitly from that location.
The procedure should be called in the following context:
port$ = "443" : REM https
host$ = "www.fortify.net"
page$ = "/sslcheck.html"
file$ = @tmp$ + "sslcheck.html"
PROCsslfetch(port$, host$, page$, file$)
This fetches the page https://www.fortify.net/sslcheck.html to the file **sslcheck.html**.
Here is the procedure:
DEF PROCsslfetch(port$, host$, page$, file$)
LOCAL libssl%, libeay%, meth%, ctx%, sock%, temp%, res%, ssl%, sbio%, file%
LOCAL req$, buf&()
FIONBIO = &8004667E
BUFSIZ = 256
SYS "LoadLibrary", "libcrypto-1_1.dll" TO libeay%
IF libeay% = 0 PROCsslcleanup : ERROR 100, "Cannot load libcrypto-1_1.dll"
SYS "GetProcAddress", libeay%, "BIO_new_socket" TO `BIO_new_socket`
SYS "LoadLibrary", "libssl-1_1.dll" TO libssl%
IF libssl% = 0 PROCsslcleanup : ERROR 100, "Cannot load libssl-1_1.dll"
SYS "GetProcAddress", libssl%, "TLSv1_2_method" TO `TLSv1_2_method`
SYS "GetProcAddress", libssl%, "SSL_CTX_new" TO `SSL_CTX_new`
SYS "GetProcAddress", libssl%, "SSL_new" TO `SSL_new`
SYS "GetProcAddress", libssl%, "SSL_set_bio" TO `SSL_set_bio`
SYS "GetProcAddress", libssl%, "SSL_connect" TO `SSL_connect`
SYS "GetProcAddress", libssl%, "SSL_write" TO `SSL_write`
SYS "GetProcAddress", libssl%, "SSL_read" TO `SSL_read`
SYS "GetProcAddress", libssl%, "SSL_CTX_free" TO `SSL_CTX_free`
REM Create SSL context:
SYS `TLSv1_2_method` TO meth%
SYS `SSL_CTX_new`, meth% TO ctx%
IF ctx% = 0 PROCsslcleanup : ERROR 100, "SSL_CTX_new failed"
REM Connect the TCP socket:
sock% = FN_tcpconnect(host$, port$)
IF sock% < 0 PROCsslcleanup : ERROR 100, "Cannot connect to " + host$
temp% = 0
SYS `ioctlsocket`, sock%, FIONBIO, ^temp% TO res%
IF res% PROCsslcleanup : ERROR 105, "Cannot set socket to blocking"
REM Connect the SSL socket:
SYS `SSL_new`, ctx% TO ssl%
SYS `BIO_new_socket`, sock%, BIO_NOCLOSE TO sbio%
SYS `SSL_set_bio`, ssl%, sbio%, sbio%
SYS `SSL_connect`, ssl% TO res%
IF res% <= 0 PROCsslcleanup : ERROR 100, "SSL connect failed: " + STR$res%
REM Request the page:
req$ = "GET " + page$ + " HTTP/1.0" + CHR$13 + CHR$10
req$ += "User-Agent: BB4W" + CHR$13 + CHR$10
req$ += "Host: " + host$ + ":" + port$ + CHR$13 + CHR$10
req$ += CHR$13 + CHR$10
SYS `SSL_write`, ssl%, req$, LEN(req$) TO res%
IF res% <> LEN(req$) PROCsslcleanup : ERROR 100, "SSL write failed: " + STR$res%
REM Copy the requested page to a file:
DIM buf&(BUFSIZ-1)
file% = OPENOUT(file$)
SYS `SSL_read`, ssl%, ^buf&(0), BUFSIZ TO res%
IF res% > 0 SYS "WriteFile", @hfile%(file%), ^buf&(0), res%, ^temp%, 0
UNTIL res% <= 0
CLOSE #file%
IF res% PROCsslcleanup : ERROR 100, "SSL read failed: " + STR$res%
REM Tidy up before exit:
DEF PROCsslcleanup
sock% += 0 : IF sock% PROC_closesocket(sock%) : sock% = 0
ctx% += 0 : IF ctx% SYS `SSL_CTX_free`, ctx% : ctx% = 0
libssl% += 0 : IF libssl% SYS "FreeLibrary", libssl% : libssl% = 0
libeay% += 0 : IF libeay% SYS "FreeLibrary", libeay% : libeay% = 0