=====Compatibility with Wine (LBB)===== //by Richard Russell, January 2016//\\ \\ //LB Booster// will run satisfactorily under Linux (x86) using **Wine** but there are a few known compatibility issues:\\ \\ * In order for LBB to run at all, the directory **lib** must first be manually created as a subdirectory of the Wine **%temp%** directory. This is a workaround for [[http://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=25207|Wine bug #25207]]; it need only be done once. \\ * The **Change icon** button in the **Make executable** dialog does not work. There is no known workaround for this. \\ * The **Paste** command does not work in the main program editor window. This issue can be fixed by replacing Wine's **RICHED20.DLL** with a copy of the genuine Microsoft DLL of the same name. \\ If any other incompatibilities are spotted please either edit this Wiki page yourself or inform the author.