Program Not Closing ON CLOSE

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Program Not Closing ON CLOSE

Post by MattC »

Hi. This one's got me stumped.

The following bit of code is an adaptation from a part of my program.

Ignore the fact that DP% is always set to -1, as this is a normal posibility of the removed code. When the window is clicked on the loop runs to the error message. When the window 'X' close button is clicked on the same thing happens. Why does the system not pass to the PROC_CLOSE routine and QUIT? The close action is happening during the second loop of PROCAction. Surely, PROC_CLOSE should be actioned before it exits this loop, and I can't see anything else that should cause the system to ignore it.

Code: Select all


      DP% = -1
      DIM Mouse{X%, Y%, B%}

        IF DP% < 0 THEN
      UNTIL DP% > -1

      LOCAL K%, C%
        IF DP% = -1 THEN SYS "MessageBox", @hwnd%, "Cannot continue until DP is not -1.", "Error", 64
        W% = FNAction(K%, C%)
       DP% = -1
     UNTIL K% = 27 OR DP% <> -1

      DEF FNAction(RETURN K%, RETURN C%)
      LOCAL W%
      C% = 0
        K% = INKEY(1)
        MOUSE Mouse.X%, Mouse.Y%, Mouse.B%
      UNTIL K% = -1 AND Mouse.B% = 0
        K% = INKEY(1)
        MOUSE Mouse.X%, Mouse.Y%, Mouse.B%
        SYS "GetForegroundWindow" TO W%
      UNTIL K% <> -1 OR Mouse.B% <> 0
      IF W% = @hwnd% THEN = TRUE ELSE = FALSE

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Re: Program Not Closing ON CLOSE

Post by p_m21987 »

I tried testing this program and it does close when I click on the X close button.
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Re: Program Not Closing ON CLOSE

Post by MattC »

OK. That's interesting. :?

I've only got the one computer to try it on, so I'd be interested if anyone else has tried it, and what results they have. I retried it after a reboot and came up with the same result as before.

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Re: Program Not Closing ON CLOSE

Post by Zaphod »

So on my machine it did not close either, but then for some reason after many attempts trying to move the dialog and clicking background windows etc. it suddenly started closing and kept doing that from then on. No ideas.
But your program clearly needs ON MOUSE as an interrupt will sort that I am sure. The note in the manual implies that is the way to go.

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Re: Program Not Closing ON CLOSE

Post by MattC »

Thanks Zaphod.

My understanding of the help for MOUSE and ON MOUSE is that ON MOUSE is an alternative rather than a necessary part of MOUSE. It's possible that using the ON MOUSE command might sort my problem out, but it would mean a heck of a lot of changes to my code. I'd be interesting to know, though, what you did to get it working continually, and whether putting it back reverted to the original problem.

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Re: Program Not Closing ON CLOSE

Post by Zaphod »

I am afraid I don't know what caused the change in behaviour and I have never managed to get it to do it again spontaneously.
However, putting a WAIT 10 after SYS "GetForegroundWindow" TO W% seemed to fix it.
So it looks like a timing issue and how fast the screen window changes focus which may well be hardware related.

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Re: Program Not Closing ON CLOSE

Post by MattC »

Cheers. I'll investigate this. One of my thoughts was to add wait statements to various points and it seemed to have little effect. However, I'll try again.

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Re: Program Not Closing ON CLOSE

Post by svein »

ON CLOSE AND ON MOUSE is triggered by mouse button release.
Your code does not wait for the mouse button to be released before issuing a new SYS "MessageBox", wich is then blocking the ON CLOSE interrupt.
The solution is to wait for button release or insert a long enough wait in the SYS line.

Code: Select all

        K% = INKEY(1)
        MOUSE Mouse.X%, Mouse.Y%, Mouse.B%
        SYS "GetForegroundWindow" TO W%
      UNTIL K% <> -1 OR Mouse.B% <> 0
      WHILE Mouse.B% : WAIT 0 : MOUSE Mouse.X%, Mouse.Y%, Mouse.B% : ENDWHILE
      IF W% = @hwnd% THEN = TRUE ELSE = FALSE

Code: Select all

IF DP% = -1 THEN WAIT 50 : SYS "MessageBox", @hwnd%, "Cannot continue until DP is not -1.", "Error", 64
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Re: Program Not Closing ON CLOSE

Post by MattC »

This is a very useful piece of information, and the added code works great.

Svein, thanks.
