This change works fine. (Although I had to go back and reset the mouse double click Y value, as this was changed to zero with the 30 - i.e. &1E.)
However, I'm getting a slightly confusing effect when I try to run my program.
The edited bit is here:
Code: Select all
DIM rc{l%,t%,r%,b%}
SYS "GetSystemMetrics", 0 TO W%
SYS "GetSystemMetrics", 1 TO H%
SYS "SystemParametersInfoA", 48, 0, rc{}, 0
rc.r% = 800
SYS "MoveWindow", @hwnd%, (W% - rc.r%) / 2, 0, rc.r%, rc.b%, 1
SYS "GetWindowLong", @hwnd%, -16 TO ws%
SYS "SetWindowLong", @hwnd%, -16, ws% AND NOT &40000 AND NOT &10000
VDU 26
The positioning and size are fine, but when the window is moved, black side bars appear. The client window is the same size but the overall window increases slightly. Any idea what's causing it? I've tried playing around with various settings, but to no avail. Is there a way of stopping the user actually moving the window at all?