Updated 'compiler' utility

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Richard Russell
Posts: 272
Joined: Tue 18 Jun 2024, 09:32

Updated 'compiler' utility

Post by Richard Russell »

I've updated the compiler utility (which of course doesn't compile, in the traditional sense, but it does create a single-file 'executable bundle' for the appropriate platform). The main new feature in this version, and it's an extremely valuable one, is that the REM!Embed directive will accept wildcards. This can hugely reduce the number of such directives, for example these are sufficient for all the resource files of Vapiki (something like 170 in all):

Code: Select all

      REM!Embed @dir$+"vapiki.bbc", @dir$+"resources/*.bbc", @dir$+"sounds/*.*"
      REM!Embed @dir$+"data/*.csv", @dir$+"data/help/*.csv", @dir$+"data/*.txt"
      REM!Embed @dir$+"data/help/en/*.*",@dir$+"data/help/nl/*.*","@dir$+"data/inkey/*.*"
      REM!Embed @dir$+"data/levels/*.jos", @dir$+"data/messages/*.*"
      REM!Embed @dir$+"graphics/*.gek", @dir$+"graphics/pointer/*.*"
      REM!Embed @dir$+"graphics/set1/*.*", "@dir$+"graphics/set2/*.*"
      REM!Embed @dir$+"graphics/set3/*.*", @dir$+"graphics/layer/*.*"
The new version can be downloaded from GitHub here. Since I have no plans to release another update of BBCSDL grabbing this file is your best bet.