Shameless plea for app ratings!

Discussions specifically related to the Android and iOS editions of BBCSDL
Hated Moron

Shameless plea for app ratings!

Post by Hated Moron »

If you haven't yet rated the BBC BASIC mobile app (Android or iOS) please please do so (honestly, of course); it will only take a few seconds:

Android: ... l.bbcbasic

Ratings to date have been quite mixed, one recently was for one star with the comment "Horrible"! From that it's hard to know what the reviewer disliked so much about it. Another review was "This is not BBC BASIC" which is also hard to respond to. :?

I think some people find the deliberately minimal interface style disconcerting, but I was keen not to clutter a potentially very small phone display with unnecessary decoration.

If you have any suggestions for how it could be improved, I would very much like to hear them. Indeed you can improve it yourself by submitting an edited version of which is what creates the User Interface (it will run on a desktop, although it benefits from a touchscreen).
Hated Moron

Re: Shameless plea for app ratings!

Post by Hated Moron »

Hated Moron wrote: Sat 13 Jan 2024, 10:30 If you haven't yet rated the BBC BASIC mobile app (Android or iOS) please please do so (honestly, of course); it will only take a few seconds
Bump. It's the Android app that is in greatest need of more ratings (the iOS app is currently showing 4.8 stars out of 5 so I can't complain).
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Re: Shameless plea for app ratings!

Post by STOS »

Hated Moron wrote: Tue 30 Jan 2024, 14:40 Bump. It's the Android app that is in greatest need of more ratings (the iOS app is currently showing 4.8 stars out of 5 so I can't complain).
Only 16 actual ratings though out of (according to the Google Play site) 1K+ downloads, I can't see the amount of downloads on the Apple store site.

What does that say about an "app" for a programming utility on a mobile device?
Yes, ok it will run programs written in that language, but who's writing programs for others to use on a mobile device? How many "apps" are there to download written in BBCSDL?
Again, I wouldn't know the answer to this as I am not a mobile user.

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against BBC4W or BBCSDL or Richard for that matter (as others have expressed in the past). I just don't see the point in an "app" for a programming utility/language. Surely, you develop on a desktop/laptop with a physical keyboard; it just makes common sense!

What are you trying to gain out of this Richard? Why do you need more ratings?

Again, :?
Hated Moron

Re: Shameless plea for app ratings!

Post by Hated Moron »

STOS wrote: Tue 30 Jan 2024, 16:03 I just don't see the point in an "app" for a programming utility/language. Surely, you develop on a desktop/laptop with a physical keyboard
There are significant differences between a desktop environment and a mobile environment. There are the obvious ones (touchscreen rather than keyboard/mouse, portrait rather than landscape orientation etc.) but there are less obvious ones too, such as (often) 16-bit colour rather than 24-bit, 'retina' resolution displays etc.

The upshot is that, apart from the simplest of applications, you can't "develop on a desktop/laptop" and expect your program to work 100% correctly on a mobile device. You can certainly get a long way, but ultimately it will be essential to test the code on the mobile device, and probably to modify it too in order that it works exactly as intended.

For that you need a development environment of some kind. It doesn't need to be as sophisticated as what you have on a desktop platform, for example you are unlikely to need a debugger or a profiler. But the ability to run and modify the code (in a quick and efficient way) is essential, and that's the main reason for having an app.

Another reason is simply as a showcase for the language. The app comes with dozens of example programs which show the range of capabilities of 'modern' BBC BASIC. Because (nearly!) everybody has a smartphone, downloading the app provides a quick and easy (and safe) way for somebody not familiar with the language to discover what it's all about.
What are you trying to gain out of this Richard? Why do you need more ratings?
I would have thought that was obvious - it helps promote BBC BASIC. The more users there are, and the happier they are, the more the 'reputation' of the language benefits. Most of my time is spent promoting BBC BASIC, very little in developing and maintaining it.
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Re: Shameless plea for app ratings!

Post by STOS »

I would have thought that was obvious - it helps promote BBC BASIC.
Ahhh, I see. A gimmick, the way of the world and it's popularity culture I suppose; enough said.
Hated Moron

Re: Shameless plea for app ratings!

Post by Hated Moron »

STOS wrote: Tue 30 Jan 2024, 17:20
I would have thought that was obvious - it helps promote BBC BASIC.
Ahhh, I see. A gimmick, the way of the world and it's popularity culture I suppose; enough said.
If you call promoting an app a gimmick, tens of thousands of app authors are guilty of the same thing. Perhaps you should refrain from commenting until you have a mobile device yourself. :roll: