Re. Command Line on iOS?

Discussions specifically related to the Android and iOS editions of BBCSDL
Hated Moron

Re. Command Line on iOS?

Post by Hated Moron »

On 01/12/2023 15:55, allen KC2KLC wrote (cross-posted from the Discussion Group)
Just installed BBC BASIC on my iPhone 14 - excited to have a replacement for my outdated cbmHandBasic app (Commodore emulator - the only other BASIC app I've ever been aware of for iOS). When I launch it, I only see lists of existing programs I can load. For the life of me I cannot figure out how I can get to a command line, or how to start inputting my own code. Please help - thanks!
Did you see the program called Run that and it should explain what you need to know.

If you want a command line run but that's not the best way to enter programs from scratch.
Hated Moron

Re: Re. Command Line on iOS?

Post by Hated Moron »

On 07/12/2023 19:32, allen KC2KLC wrote (cross-posted from the Discussion Group):
I discovered belatedly (although it's right there on the screen!) that a long press on the screen provides a menu that includes the item "New file". But when I try to save a file I get a "Could not create file 'xxx' " error. Similarly, using the "save" command after using the program to manually enter a program yields a "Couldn't save file" error. Perhaps this is a limitation of running it on an iPhone 14 running iOS 17.1.2 ?
I answered this before, but I don't think you are seeing my messages. You need to follow the instructions given in "To create a new program, first navigate to the @usr$ folder then long-press.....".

You are skipping the 'navigate to the @usr$ folder' step, which is why it is failing.