It's perfectly alright to have multiple dialogues in one file, of course; indeed it would be rare for a program to have only one dialogue box. Consider for example, one of the IDEs supplied with BBCSDL (and the one I prefer, because I wrote it!). It contains dialogue boxes for File Load, Find & Replace, Goto Line, Renumber, Set Font, Set Colours etc.My new question regarding dialogs in SDL is more of an advice question.
When using multiple dialogs would it be better to use the CHAIN keyword and open up another dialog in a different program file?
Or is it perfectly alright to have multiple dialogs in one file?
In fact the BBCSDL dialogue manager ( ensures that different dialogue boxes are completely independent, there is (or at least should be) no shared state at all. Of course BBCSDL dialogues are all 'modal', you can only interact with the one which was most recently opened (so is 'on top'). There was a discussion a while ago about how 'modeless' dialogues could be simulated in BBCSDL, but that's more complicated.
That's rather concerning. In case you've found a bug can you create a small, but self-contained, program which illustrates the issue please? If there is a bug, using CHAIN would be unlikely to make any difference anyway (the two programs would still be sharing the same dlglib library).I managed to create a dialog that comes up over top the original but when I try to get rid of it the PROCclosedialog doesn't remove the new one.