The thread of which we may not speak!

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Hated Moron

The thread of which we may not speak!

Post by Hated Moron »

Replying here because the original thread is locked:
DDRM wrote: Mon 07 Aug 2023, 16:01 I have therefore locked the topics, and hidden everything over a day old.
Nothing seems to be "hidden", as far as I can tell (even when accessing the forum with 'in-private' browsing, or from a browser I don't normally use). I can still see everything right back to the first post in this thread and the other, much bigger, one. Maybe deletion is called for.
Hated Moron wrote: Mon 07 Aug 2023, 09:00 Admin: Please delete my membership of this forum. I have no interest in remaining a member.
Since firm and decisive action has now been taken against the 'offender' I will withdraw the request for my membership to be terminated.

However for future reference this could have been avoided by moderating the OP at the same time as requesting him not to post, since then any infraction could have been caught before it was published.

Re: The thread of which we may not speak!

Post by DDRM »

Hi Richard,

Yes, it looks like the change to "show only most recent day" is a feature for filtering - it doesn't seem to persist even for me, despite being in a menu with a "moderation" icon.

I can delete the threads if you like, now that there has been a chance to see my comments, but I'm always reluctant to delete things permanently. There's actually some really interesting and useful stuff on pseudo-random numbers, etc. I can't find any way of "hiding" the thread - and I don't want to hide the whole "miscellaneous" forum!

Moderation: yes, I was going to do that, but haven't been able to find it in the labyrinthine menus of the admin/moderation section....

Best wishes,

Hated Moron

Re: The thread of which we may not speak!

Post by Hated Moron »

DDRM wrote: Fri 11 Aug 2023, 10:06 I'm always reluctant to delete things permanently.
Doesn't it give you the option of deleting them permanently or not? It says here that if you have the SOFT DELETE moderator permission you should have the choice.

You can also delete individual posts if there are some which you deem useful and others not.
Moderation: yes, I was going to do that, but haven't been able to find it in the labyrinthine menus of the admin/moderation section....
These days I hardly ever spend time looking for something, especially as I know I'll forget it again in no time, I just ask Google and it almost always finds the answer:

Code: Select all

ACP -> Forums -> User's forum permissions -> select user -> All forums -> Role = On moderation queue