Any sign of iOS support on the horizon?

Hated Moron

Any sign of iOS support on the horizon?

Post by Hated Moron »

Does anybody 'closer to the coalface' have an idea when iOS WebKit will support WebAssembly Threads and therefore be able to run BBC BASIC for SDL 2.0?

Apple keeps talking about "embracing the latest web technology", and it's true that desktop Safari has been compatible for some time now, but still not iOS browsers.

And because Apple requires all iOS browsers to use WebKit under the hood, they all share the inability to run BBC BASIC. :(

To test it for yourself visit, iOS browsers will report "Exception thrown, see JavaScript console" (not that there is a Javascript console in iOS Safari, as far as I know!).
Hated Moron

Re: Any sign of iOS support on the horizon?

Post by Hated Moron »

Hated Moron wrote: Sun 06 Aug 2023, 20:10 Does anybody 'closer to the coalface' have an idea when iOS WebKit will support WebAssembly Threads and therefore be able to run BBC BASIC for SDL 2.0?
I'm delighted to say that it does appear to run in Safari on iOS 16.6! This has been a long time coming, and completes the set of major browsers to support the technology that BBCSDL relies on (principally multi-threading).

It won't work (nor will it ever) in Internet Explorer nor in some embedded browsers (for example from Facebook on Android).