War at Sea Classic

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Posts: 2
Joined: Wed 26 Feb 2020, 16:12

War at Sea Classic

Post by JPinVA »

I've been working on a software version of Avalon Hill's War at Sea for a few years now. It's 100% BB4W. Not ready for distribution yet, but thought I'd share. It's several thousand lines of code, 400 subroutines in 20 libraries.

Hated Moron

Re: War at Sea Classic

Post by Hated Moron »

JPinVA wrote: Sun 18 Jun 2023, 22:44 I've been working on a software version of Avalon Hill's War at Sea for a few years now. It's 100% BB4W. Not ready for distribution yet, but thought I'd share.
It looks amazing, I hope it will ready for wider distribution soon.

Are you willing to reveal any details about the coding, especially in respect of how portable it might be (I'm always on the lookout for BB4W programs which are convertible to BBCSDL)? Does it uses any assembler code or libraries which might make that difficult?