Hi good afternoon.
I still can't decide which bbc is the right one for me:
bb4w or bbc sdl ?
what is the popularity of the two bbc?
bb4w or bbc sdl ?
Re: bb4w or bbc sdl ?
It is not necessary to choose between them, it is perfectly sensible to use both and simply decide which is most appropriate on a case-by-case basis. After all they have far more similarities than differences, and many programs will work equally well on both, either because they use only common features or because they are coded to work around the minor differences.
The following programs supplied with BBC BASIC for SDL 2.0 will run without any modifications on BBC BASIC for Windows: 2048.bbc, animal.bbc, bugs.bbc, dibley.bbc, hanoi.bbc, rheolism.bbc, Rubik,bbc, sudoku.bbc, triples.bbc, banner.bbc, BBSterm.bbc, bezierfit.bbc, calendar.bbc, Ceefax.bbc, client.bbc, dlgdemo.bbc*, elipsefit.bbc, kerning.bbc, lanchat.bbc, mode7dem.bbc, poem.bbc, server.bbc, sheet.bbc, solve.bbc*, sortdemo.bbc, sorttest.bbc, telstar.bbc, aliens.bbc, anigif.bbc, bounce.bbc, chain.bbc, clock.bbc, disco,bbc, doodle,bbc, ellipses.bbc, fern.bbc, fire.bbc, flier.bbc, flood.bbc, fluid.bbc, jclock.bbc, mandel.bbc, penrose.bbc, persian.bbc, piechart.bbc, pointer.bbc, polydots.bbc, polygon.bbc, pyramid.bbc, raytrace.bbc, saucer.bbc, scarab.bbc, seascape.bbc, sine.bbc, sliderule.bbc, slitscan.bbc, snowscene.bbc, spectrum.bbc, spotlight.bbc, squares.bbc, surks.bbc, swirl.bbc, voronoi.bbc, wheel.bbc, bbclock.bbc, cradle.bbc, crates.bbc, dangle.bbc, dunebuggy.bbc, lotto.bbc, pinball.bbc, pintograph.bbc, trebuchet.bbc, entertainer.bbc, figleaf.bbc, metronome.bbc, piano.bbc, saa5050x.bbc, SDLIDE.bbc*.
These programs encompass every genre: games, 2D graphics, 3D graphics, shader graphics, physics simulations, sound & music, mathematics, networking etc (those marked with an asterisk require libraries to be copied into the BB4W lib/ directory). Of the example programs that aren't already compatible, several could have been made so with little difficulty. So it is completely false to think that BB4W and BBCSDL are significantly different, on the contrary they are very similar!
When it comes to deciding which is best in a particular set of circumstances, here are a few guidelines:
- If it's essential to create a single, standalone, Windows executable then use BB4W.
- If the program needs to access the Windows API, e.g. to give the Windows 'look and feel' or make use of a Windows-only library, use BB4W.
- If the program needs to run, or can benefit from running, on multiple platforms (or on the web) use BBCSDL.
- If the program can benefit from hardware (GPU) graphics acceleration, use BBCSDL.
- If it doesn't really matter which you use, choose BBCSDL because it's newer and is more actively supported.
I hope that helps.
- Posts: 30
- Joined: Sun 12 Feb 2023, 10:16
Re: bb4w or bbc sdl ?
hello thanks for info.