Using multiple selections in the listbox

Discussions related to the code libraries supplied with BB4W & BBCSDL
Posts: 58
Joined: Tue 03 Apr 2018, 19:34

Using multiple selections in the listbox

Post by svein »

I am trying to use multiple selections in the listbox, but all i get is the last one selected.
What am i doing wrong ?
BBCsdl 1.33a

Code: Select all

      INSTALL @lib$ + "dlglib"

      REM Set colour palette:

      REM Set font according to platform:
      IF INKEY(-256) = &57 THEN
        *FONT Segoe UI,10
        OSCLI "FONT """ + @lib$ + "DejaVuSans"",12"

      REM Create the dialogue box 'template':
      dlg% = FN_newdialog("Dialogue box", 160, 140)
      DIM ListBox$(6)
      ListBox$() = "", "Listbox item 1", "Listbox item 2", "Listbox item 3", \
      \                "Listbox item 4", "Listbox item 5", "Listbox item 6"
      PROC_listbox(dlg%, "", 104, 82, 38, 64, 36, LBS_MULTIPLESEL)
      PROC_setlistboxarray(dlg%, 104, ListBox$(), DIM(ListBox$(),1))

      PROC_button(dlg%, "OK", 1, 12, 108, 56, 14, 0)
      result% = FN_showdialog(dlg%, &80000000, &80000000)

      IF result% = 1 THEN
        PRINT "First ";First%
        IF First%>0 THEN
          PRINT "Listbox selection was "; FN_getdlgitemtext(dlg%, 104)
          PRINT "Next ";Next%
          WHILE Next%<>First%
            PRINT "Listbox selection was "; FN_getdlgitemtext(dlg%, 104)
            PRINT "Next ";Next%
          ListBox$ = FN_getdlgitemtext(dlg%, 104)

Hated Moron

Re: Using multiple selections in the listbox

Post by Hated Moron »

svein wrote: Fri 20 Jan 2023, 20:46 I am trying to use multiple selections in the listbox, but all i get is the last one selected.
Your program is working as I would expect here (in Windows) but I'm unsure what the purpose of this code is:

Code: Select all

          PRINT "Listbox selection was "; FN_getdlgitemtext(dlg%, 104)
            PRINT "Listbox selection was "; FN_getdlgitemtext(dlg%, 104)
I would have expected you to be simply printing the contents of the array:

Code: Select all

          PRINT "Listbox selection was "; ListBox$(First%)
            PRINT "Listbox selection was "; ListBox$(Next%)
You could do it indirectly by setting and then reading the selection - although I can't think of any benefit in doing so - but you'd have to refresh the dialogue box each time (as you always have to after making a 'programmatic' change):

Code: Select all

          PRINT "Listbox selection was "; FN_getdlgitemtext(dlg%, 104)
            PRINT "Listbox selection was "; FN_getdlgitemtext(dlg%, 104)
With a complex dialogue box this could be quite slow, so I'd recommend the simple method of reading the array.
Posts: 58
Joined: Tue 03 Apr 2018, 19:34

Re: Using multiple selections in the listbox

Post by svein »

Sigh, i overlooked the obviously simpler method of just reading the array.
Your answer also gave me the answer to an other "problem".
If the selected line is scrolled out of view, then FN_getdlgitemtext(dlg%, 104) returns an empty string.
One can simply use FN_getlistboxselect(dlg%,104) to get the selected line to pick from the array.
Thank you.
Hated Moron

Re: Using multiple selections in the listbox

Post by Hated Moron »

svein wrote: Sat 21 Jan 2023, 09:01 If the selected line is scrolled out of view, then FN_getdlgitemtext(dlg%, 104) returns an empty string.
Indeed that's true, I don't think I considered the possibility of somebody making a selection and then scrolling it out of view (if you make a selection 'programmatically' it is automatically scrolled into view)!

It's probably better not to use FN_getdlgitemtext() with a list box or combobox, but simply read from the array.