Android edition updated to include 64-bit binary

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Hated Moron

Android edition updated to include 64-bit binary

Post by Hated Moron »

Since it appears that some Android devices (notably Google Pixel phones and tablets) are already refusing to install 32-bit apps, I've updated the Android edition of BBC BASIC for SDL 2.0 to include a 64-bit binary. This will be used by default on any device with which it is compatible (which is the great majority now) so if you install it you can expect to be running 64-bits BBC BASIC rather than 32-bits.

Therefore users of the Android edition need to be aware of the compatibility implications of this change. The ways in which BBC BASIC programs can be affected are documented here. If you want to run programs impacted by these differences you will need to make the necessary changes; they should not impact on 32-bit compatibility.

At the same time I have updated the Android Application Generator to be compatible with the 64-bit binary, you will need to download a new 'template' to incorporate it in any APKs you build.
Hated Moron

Re: Android edition updated to include 64-bit binary

Post by Hated Moron »

I have again updated the Android edition, to v1.33c, to improve reliability when it is restored from the background. The new version can be downloaded from here; if you use the BBC2APK utility you should also download a new template. The other editions are unaffected and remain at v1.33a.