New kid on the block. New to BBC basic and if no one laughs I started on a Sinclair ZX81, followed by the Spectrum, QL, Atari STE and when I got what most would call a proper PC, I have never programmed since.
As you can probably tell, I am not a young pup as I was in my late 20's when I got the ZX81. I have written so many programs I have lost count and ended my days with GFA Basic on the Atari STE. I have forgot more than I knew. Added to that a basic I have never used before and a graphics system that I am sure is totally different to what I was used to. So I hope you are all patient, I might have a lot of questions.
Glad to be here.
New Kid
- Posts: 96
- Joined: Wed 10 Apr 2019, 17:36
Re: New Kid
Hi Kent! Happy new year! I remember way back (was it 1981) when my brother got a ZX81, I think it had 1KB of RAM. There was an expansion pack which would overheat or you kept on having to re-set it in its socket.
BBC Basic original was brilliant - the best of the BASICs, and BBC Basic for Windows is brilliant too. It has everything from the original language and more to drive the modern day computers, including the Graphical User Interface of Windows (that's where I have been lacking knowledge and getting help here). The BBC Basic help section is detailed and thorough, and there are helpful people here too, so if you have any questions I'm sure they can be answered! Have a splendid 2022!
BBC Basic original was brilliant - the best of the BASICs, and BBC Basic for Windows is brilliant too. It has everything from the original language and more to drive the modern day computers, including the Graphical User Interface of Windows (that's where I have been lacking knowledge and getting help here). The BBC Basic help section is detailed and thorough, and there are helpful people here too, so if you have any questions I'm sure they can be answered! Have a splendid 2022!
- Posts: 200
- Joined: Tue 17 Apr 2018, 21:03
- Kent
- Posts: 2
- Joined: Thu 30 Dec 2021, 19:47
Re: New Kid
Thanks! From my very brief adventure into BBC Basic I feel very comfortable with it. My last Basic, GFA Basic, was a very structured basic, if a little bloated. I cannot find the equivalent of INC or SUB, as in 'INC a' would be the same as 'a=a+1' but hey, the end result is still the same and having just counted they are both still only 5 key presses, but I guess 'INC falloff' is less keypresses than 'falloff=falloff+1'. 11 key presses vs 17. Am I really so lazy!
Yes Pete you are right about the ZX81 16K RAM pack that plugged into the back. The dreaded wobble. If the table/computer/RAM pack got a slight knock, the computer would crash and having to load your back up data from a tape recorder was a real pain, but also seemed state of the art at the time. It was still worth risking the RAM pack as otherwise you only had 1K of memory. You had to be very careful how you wrote your code as in LET A=0 used more memory then writing LET A=PI-PI. Still I got hooked and the rest is all history.
I nearly bought a BBC computer when they first came out but they were so costly compared to the Sinclair Spectrum that I went the route of the Spectrum, followed by the Sinclair QL and then the Atari ST. My first computer that ran MS-DOS with Windows 3 on top was a 486 DX2 running at 33mhz. I remember trying several Basic interpreters for that computer and could not feel comfortable with any of them and so thats when my programming hobby ended.
Happy New Year to you all too.
Yes Pete you are right about the ZX81 16K RAM pack that plugged into the back. The dreaded wobble. If the table/computer/RAM pack got a slight knock, the computer would crash and having to load your back up data from a tape recorder was a real pain, but also seemed state of the art at the time. It was still worth risking the RAM pack as otherwise you only had 1K of memory. You had to be very careful how you wrote your code as in LET A=0 used more memory then writing LET A=PI-PI. Still I got hooked and the rest is all history.
I nearly bought a BBC computer when they first came out but they were so costly compared to the Sinclair Spectrum that I went the route of the Spectrum, followed by the Sinclair QL and then the Atari ST. My first computer that ran MS-DOS with Windows 3 on top was a 486 DX2 running at 33mhz. I remember trying several Basic interpreters for that computer and could not feel comfortable with any of them and so thats when my programming hobby ended.
Happy New Year to you all too.
Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Posts: 200
- Joined: Tue 17 Apr 2018, 21:03
Re: New Kid
The equivalent code you are looking for is
<Variable> += 1
Hope this helps the lazy finger
Happy New year to all
Kind regards Ric
<Variable> += 1
Hope this helps the lazy finger
Happy New year to all
Kind regards Ric
Kind Regards Ric.
6502 back in the day, BB4W 2017 onwards, BBCSDL from 2023
6502 back in the day, BB4W 2017 onwards, BBCSDL from 2023