Proposal to change IMGLIB libraries

Discussions related to the code libraries supplied with BB4W & BBCSDL

Proposal to change IMGLIB libraries

Post by RichardRussell »

The IMGLIB libraries that I recently published, for BB4W and BBCSDL, take a scale parameter (which determines the size of the rendered image) and a flip parameter (which controls whether the image is flipped horizontally and/or vertically). I am considering changing this interface so that instead they take a horizontal scale and a vertical scale, with flipping determined by the signs. So a horizontal scale factor of -1.0 would result in a horizontal flip.

This would provide the additional flexibility of being able to change the aspect ratio, whilst not increasing the number of parameters. What do you think? Is this a good idea? Obviously it's an incompatible change but I don't imagine very many people have already used the libraries. If I don't receive any major objections I will revise and re-publish the libraries.

Re: Proposal to change IMGLIB libraries

Post by DDRM »

Hi Richard,

That sounds an eminently sensible suggestion - and as you say, it's unlikely the libraries are already too deeply embedded in existing programs!



Re: Proposal to change IMGLIB libraries

Post by RichardRussell »

I've also added a new procedure to both libraries:

Code: Select all

      REM Multiply the image's R, G, B, A values by the specified factors:
      DEF PROC_imgMult(i%%, r, g, b, a)
This can be useful for automatically creating a shadow image (attenuate the RGB to zero; halve, say, the alpha) or fading an image in or out (gradually change the alpha channel from 0.0 to 1.0, or from 1.0 to 0.0).
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Re: Proposal to change IMGLIB libraries

Post by hellomike »

I just made a little program to test the library.

Feel free to make the proposed changes. Also every additional functionality is welcome.
